Mariana Klaveno, who played Lorena on HBO’s hit series True Blood, is teaming up with the Be Brave Foundation to take a bite out of the financial hardships caused by Childhood Cancer. For every $5 you donate below, you will be entered in a drawing to win a signed script from Mariana from the True Blood, with a personalized message from her. So, the more you donate, the better your chances of winning! And, as a consolation to the person who donates the most money during this campaign, you will receive a personalized signed 8×10 from Mariana. The contest will end August 24 at 11pm. (edt) to coincide with the end of the final episode of True Blood. The winner will be drawn the following day by random number assignment, and will be notified within 24 hours.
To start donating, all you have to do is click here and then follow the instructions on the Be Brave Foundation page.
Source: Be Brave Foundation – Helping Take a Bite Out of Childhood Cancer. Win a Personalized Signed Script From True Blood’s Lorena
(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)