TV & Video Magazine

Mariana Klaveno Does True Blood Q

Posted on the 19 June 2011 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

Mariana Klaveno as True Blood's LorenaTo celebrate the release of Season 3 of True Blood on DVD, Tube Talk (Digital Spy) did a Q&A with Mariana Klaveno (Bill’s maker, Lorena).  She revealed why she thinks True Blood is so popular, her joy in playing Lorena, the head turning scene, and what she’s up to now.

Some of the reasons Mariana thinks True Blood is so successful is because people get so involved in the multiple levels the show offers.  From romance, suspense and horror.  She says:

“There’s all kinds of genres and concepts that the writers weave into each episode and I think that’s what gets people so addicted.”

When asked what she liked about playing Lorena, Mariana stated that she loved her costumes, and working with such “top notch” people.  She describes the cast and crew as being one big lovely family, saying it was a blast to go to work everyday.

“I love playing people that are broken, that are beautifully flawed, as I like to call them. She was such a tragic character in many ways and I love playing that. I love people who are inches away from completely falling apart. I think that’s a fun, electric character to take on.”

Have you ever wondered what it was like to film the “head turning” scene?  Apparently, it took an entire day — at least ten hours.  Although she started out feeling very nervous and uncomfortable, by that point, delirium had set in.  Everyone was in hysterics.  She explains:

“I mean, you laugh. I think that’s what saves you. You have to keep your sense of humor about you when you’re doing these crazy, dark, twisted – forgive the pun – scenes. You really have to just laugh between takes because that will lighten the mood and you can’t take it so seriously. Luckily, Stephen is a hilarious person so he was able to keep me laughing.”

She adds that after first reading the script for that scene, her first thought was, “’Oh my God, my poor parents!”.  Her poor parents, indeed.

So, what is the lovely lady up to now?  She has worked on a few things, but is being selective about what she chooses.  Saying True Blood spoiled her, it’s difficult to pick what to work on next.  However, she did work on an independent film titled No God No Master which should be released soon.

What did you think of Lorena?  Would you like to see her back on the show, perhaps in a flashback?  Sound off in the comments, Truebies!

Source: DigitalSpy – ‘True Blood’: Q&A with Mariana Klaveno

(Photo credit: HBO, Inc.)

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