"Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom" Reviewed
Posted on the 04 January 2014 by Yvonnespence @Yvonne__Spence
Last night a friend and I went to see Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom. Neither of us have read Nelson Mandela's autobiography, but like most people we knew that he'd been in jail for 27 years for (depending on your point of view) terrorist activities or fighting for justice against a corrupt and unfair government. Somewhere in a cupboard, I have a stash of old vinyl records that includes Free Nelson Mandela by the Special AKA. (That probably gives you a clue as to which view I lean towards.) This song features briefly in the movie, in a clip from the concert held at Wembley stadium in London for Mandela's 70th birthday. I did think about including that version here, but the quality of that video isn't great, whereas this one is awesome in every way - so hit play to get you in the mood.
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