Destinations Magazine

Making Moscow Friendly for Tourists

By Mendeleyeev

We have told you it was coming–and sure enough special tourist friendly features are being added to make your stay more comfortable and for ease in getting around.

From special English speaking kiosks with guides and free maps to special 3-1 Metro-bus-tram cards. We’ve reported on the red tourist-only buses that run limited routes around the center of Moscow too, but now comes the bright red bicycle rentals!

Bike rentals

Of course you knew they’d be red. After all, this is home to Red Square, the Red Army, and the revolution which tossed out the Tsars and later became known as the Red Revolution. Plus, just like a red sports car, a red bicycle is faster–everyone knows that.

The BOSCO bike rental firm  at Gorky Park has been renting bicycles for several years but they’re pink and apparently that doesn’t count. We want and demand red bikes!

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