Lifestyle Magazine

Make Your Own Vintage Style Scroll Wedding Invitations

By Claire

These scroll wed­ding invi­ta­tions are easy to make and come in kit form from — all you need to do is assem­ble the boxes (no glue required), print the invi­ta­tions at home, and add the rib­bon and rose to fin­ish off the design!

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Included in your scroll wed­ding invi­ta­tions kit:

  • flat packed boxes with lids, scored ready to fold
  • A4 paper to print your invite wording
  • paper rose with wire stem
  • vin­tage style ivory ribbon

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How to make the scroll wed­ding invitations

  1. Fold the boxes and lids along the pre-scored fold lines and set to one side
  2. Print your word­ing on the A4 sheets pro­vided. Tip: use your usual printer paper to prac­tice lay­outs and word­ing before using the ivory sheets in the scroll invi­ta­tions kit
  3. Roll the invi­ta­tions and tie with the lace rib­bon — with your text on the inside. Tip: if the scrolls are rolled smaller than the box it will help the rose fit snugly inside with the lid on
  4. For the curly stem, find a small paint­brush or large wooden skewer and twirl the wire stem around it, start­ing with the end near­est to the paper rose
  5. Pop your fin­ger under the rib­bon around the scroll to cre­ate a lit­tle gap to slip the rose under­neath — the curly stem will help hold it in place
  6. Put your scrolls in the box and add the lid, then print labels with your guests’ names and deliver by hand for an extra spe­cial per­sonal touch!

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Scroll wed­ding invi­ta­tion kits are avail­able in the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog shop and at Cal­lig­ra­phy­s­tore on Etsy ( and the price is just £30 for a pack of 10 scroll kits.

There are match­ing wed­ding place names and recep­tion acces­sories at

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