Hair & Beauty Magazine

Make Up and Me

By Mmeguillotine @MmeGuillotine

Make Up and Me

I love make up. There, I said it. It’s just wonderful, which is no doubt why I have SO MUCH of the bloody stuff. This wouldn’t be so bad but I’m a terrible snob about brands and don’t have any of the cheaporama stuff but instead save my pennies for The Good Stuff like Chanel, NARS, MAC and Illamasqua. I’ve convinced myself that this is actually an INVESTMENT as the good stuff is more densely pigmented and therefore lasts longer as you need to use less but I don’t actually think that’s true. Also the more expensive brands are less likely to test on animals – OR SO YOU WOULD THINK.

The thing about make up though is that it just really really cheers me up. I’m currently following the Slimming World diet and have banned myself from buying ANY new clothes until I reach my target (I’m two stone away so it’s not too bad), which is where make up comes in because fat or thin, it will always suit me. Same goes for shoes actually and also bags. Oh and jewelry too, but I digress. The point about make up is that it is a cheap shot of happiness if you’re feeling glum – especially so if you’re not a snooty git like me who likes to hang about Harvey Nichols trying stuff out.

The other thing is that, sad to say, I am not naturally blessed with anything even approximating good looks and need a bit of slap to ensure that I don’t terrify small children or end up being ducked as a witch in the local duckpond. The only reason that I am here today to write this interminable and pointless blog post is because a decent application of NARS Super Orgasm highlighter and MAC Cockney lipstick stopped a pitchfork waving mob from checking me for devil shaped birthmarks.

Yes, make up never lets you down.

Unless it’s MAC and Urban Decay who recently changed their policy regarding animal testing in order to be able to sell their products in China. Boo hiss to them as they’ve REALLY let me down.

Make Up and Me

However, moving on, a really decent make up collection requires a bloody good make up bag and FINALLY that is what I have. Behold this beauty from my beloved Tokyo Milk! Yes, I know that’s not really Marie Antoinette but actually a portrait of her elder sister, Maria Josepha but isn’t it just lovely? I’ve wanted this bag for ages but a combination of Bad Days, depression and a few not so great weigh ins at Slimming World finally gave me the push to buy it from this site.

Make Up and Me

Look, she even has a tiny Tokyo Milk perfume in her hand!

Before they turned to The Dark Side, pretty much all of my make up came exclusively from MAC but now that I’m boycotting them, I’ve started building up my Illamasqua collection instead. If anything, this brand actually suits me a lot more in that they are more than a bit goth in aesthetic and branding (they support the S.O.P.H.I.E charity that I have written about before), they are a British brand and they’re also opposed to animal testing. The only drawback is that they don’t have any shops or counters near me so I have to wait until I’m in London to try things out or order online.

Make Up and Me

They have the most amazing sale going on and I may have gone slightly wild. Top row: Pure Pigment in Berber; Lipstick in Encounter; Powder Eye Shadow in Soul. Middle row: Lipstick in Sangers; Nail Varnish in Untold; Liquid Metal in Surge; Bottom: Powder Eye Shadow in Angst. All of which were a fiver each. I know, right?!

Make Up and Me

Ah. Sigh. You can’t tell from this frankly rubbish photograph but the nail polish on the left is amazingly densely red glittery and beautiful in a Wizard of Oz ruby slippers sort of way.

Make Up and Me

Now to choose my favorite make up, which will reside from now on inside the make up bag of DOOM. I suspect that some tough choices are going to have to be made as this lot is still a bit too much to cart around with me every day.

Make Up and Me

My favorite lipsticks. Erk. Left to right: MAC Cockney; MAC Milan Mode; NARS Funny Face; Illamasqua Magnetism; Illamasqua Sangers; Illamasqua Encounter; Illamasqua Drench; Illamasqua Salacious. Clearly I like a bit of a red lip and also have a thing for bright pink because er it matches my hair.

Make Up and Me

Sorry, this is a bit of a silly post isn’t it? Truth be told, I’m feeling more than a bit depressed right now thanks to one thing and another (but you don’t want to hear about that, I know) and have been neglecting this blog while finishing the Minette novel so decided to write about something that makes me happy. I’ll be back tomorrow though with a bit of a writing update!

What do you do when you’re feeling down in the dumps? I’m ALL ears!

ps. No one paid, sponsored or even ASKED me to write this post. I just wanted to, so there.

pps. Sorry about the ropey photographs. My lovely husband bought me a spanking new camera for Christmas but has hitherto failed to tell me how to charge the battery (I am, I’m afraid, a BIT of a luddite and also somewhat in denial about such things) so I was a bit THWARTED when I went to take these photos.

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