Dear Fat Brain Toys, Scott Bedford, and Workman Publishing Company,
Perhaps your little graph would show more equitable data if, oh, I don't know, you didn't imply right in the title that only males can build stuff. Are you instructing folk to build these projects with their penises? If not, why the discrimination?
I happen to be the builder in our family. My husband is useless for such things. He does the dishes and laundry. I refinish the furniture, build the bookshelves from scratch, and mow the lawn. He lays the sod, I do the breastfeeding. He kills the bugs and takes out the lizards, I paint the rooms and claim all the tools in the garage as my own. Yin and yang. None of those things require any special male or female characteristics, so I see no reason to put labels on them such as "man chores" or "woman's work."
Sadly, though, you disagree. It's clear that you are, as is typical in our patriarchal society, insinuating (not so subtly) that men are the builders (insert Tim the Toolman grunt here) and women have no place in such macho activities. Pah. Would it have really been so difficult to title the book "Made by Parents" or "Made by Familys," which would've been even more inclusive and would certainly up that precious data?
You want kids' brains to get fat? Stop limiting and relegating them based on their genitalia.
As it is, you've lost a potential customer. My son and I, ever on the lookout for projects to do together, are off to look elsewhere. Have fun building with your penises.
Amy the Toolwoman Mama