THE ANSWER TO FRIDAY'S TRIVIA QUESTION: Kyle Chandler was the theme last week. I loved all of your reasons why I chose him...yes I do love him, but I chose him because his new show, Bloodline, premiered on Netflix on Friday. Anyone watch, I'm 6 eps in?
FIRST FIVES: Mike O'Dea, Andrea Walters, Dan Realson, Bob Kaplan & Evan Schweitzer HONORABLE MENTION: Jim Carter THE NUMBERS Thursday's Broadcast Top 5 Scandal-ABC 2.4/7.7 (Was it Lena or the NCAA? LOW NUMBER!) Grey's Anatomy-ABC 2.1/7.7 The Blacklist-NBC 1.8/8.6 American Idol-FOX 1.8/8.5 NCAA Kentucky/Hampton-CBS 1.8/5.4
Thursday's Cable Top 5 NCAA Harvard/UNC-TNT 1.3/3.2 American Dad-Adult Swim 1.1/2.1 NCAA Wofford/Arkansas-TNT .9/2.0 WWE Smackdown-Syfy .8/2.5 Vikings-History .8/2.6
Thursday's Top 5 Primetime Twitter Ratings Scandal-ABC 149,000 Tweets American Idol-FOX 71,000 Tweets Grey's Anatomy-ABC 56,000 Tweets The Vampire Diaries-CW 54,000 Tweets Jimmy Kimmel-ABC 9,000 Tweets
Friday's Broadcast Top 5 Shark Tank-ABC 1.8/7.4
Last Man Standing-ABC 1.3/7.0
Dateline-NBC 1.3/6.7
NCAA-CBS 1.2/3.8
20/20-ABC 1.1/5.1
Friday's Cable Top 5 NA
Friday's Top 5 Primetime Twitter Ratings Glee-FOX 250,000 Tweets
Tonight Show-NBC 43,000 Tweets
Woodie Awards-MTV 34,000 Tweets
Bring It-Lifetime 17,000 Tweets
Jimmy Kimmel-ABC 3,000 Tweets
THE SHOWS Madam Secretary Rough times for Elizabeth. She not only had some serious sleeve issues, but add some PTSD to the list for the shrink to work on. The Secretary of State can't pop Xanax like the rest of us, but after seeing her friend blown to pieces in Iran, she finally lost it . First on Daisy & Matt and then on Minister Chen who looked a lot like an Asian Pharrell, didn't he? Turns out, Russell's a decent guy with some baggage and a secret therapist. See, everyone, even The White House staffers have stuff to work out. Jay had his baby, and I've come to the conclusion that Daisy has SRF...Sleepy Resting Face. She always looks like she needs a nap. While Elizabeth was chilling at home waiting for the Xanax to kick in, she and Henry were playing Halo. I'm not sure it was a good idea for someone with PTSD, but then I noticed that Alicia Florick also played Halo on last nights Good Wife episode. Hmmmm is Halo trying to broaden it's demographics from young guys to older women? I didn't watch Battle Creek, did Josh Duhamel play too? Was it a Halo CBS Sunday takeover or something?
The Good Wife How funny was it to see Diane in a hunting outfit surrounded by Republicans. I had a feeling that Georgette wasn't the rich guys wife. Right again. 2 points for me! It was finally Election Day. I was reallllly hoping Alicia would lose the election and things would go back to normal. Do you think Peter did too? Hard to tell anymore. I'm bummed she won. Do you think Frank Prady will be back? With John leaving, the door is completely open for Finn now. John looks a lot like Steven Weber, doesn't he? Who is that actor? He's in Bloodline too.
Girls Season Finale We went almost an entire season without Laird and Caroline. Did we REALLY need to see that wacko naked, pregnant and unwaxed in the bathtub during labor? I thought that was bad enough but then did we need to see her on all fours? Did we need to see Jessa put her head in the nasty bathtub water? Come on. Why was any of that necessary? Hoping Desi, the eyebrowless dude is gone for good and Marnie ends up with Ray. Hannah chose the teacher over Adam, Shosh chose Japan over Jason Ritter (thanks to Colin Quinn and Sheryl Sandburg) and Jessa declared she wanted to be a therapist. I'll never know how it all turns out because I'm putting my stake in the ground right now and saying "I AM NOT GOING BACK NEXT YEAR" That was it for me. No more Girls. No more.
Glee Series Finale Some TV shows find places in our hearts for different reasons. I remember being in NYC for the FOX Upfronts when they introduced us all to Glee. I remember the incredible reaction to the cast belting out "Don't Stop Believing" by the VERY jaded, VERY spoiled ad buying community and thinking, "This show isn't just a winner, it's special." It was special. For a while it was really special, but, then, Ryan Murphy got bored,and got too much money thrown at him, and moved on to scare the crap out of people with American Horror Story, and Glee lost its way. The finale Friday night was a reminder of why we all fell in love with the show in the first place. I don't know if Ryan came back to help, but it was a PERFECT ending. The first hour took us back to the beginning, the very beginning. When all the kids first met one another. The last hour was present day crossed with a look ahead. I'm glad there was a bit of tribute to Finn/Cory Monteith. Nice touch. I don't really want to recap where every single person ended up, because if you were ever a fan of the show, you owe it to yourself to go check the finale out. I will say that things end well for everyone. Well, almost everyone. There were some amazing final performances, but the two I think you NEED to see are in the links below. Goodbye Glee. I hope FOX learns from it's mistakes and ends Empire and all of its future hits with dignity and grace when the time is right.
Hart of Dixie
I'm assuming that next week's Hart of Dixie finale is a SERIES finale and not a SEASON finale. I haven't seen any official announcement, but most of the cast has other gigs on the horizon and Friday's penultimate (so glad I learned how to use that word correctly, I LOVE IT) episode had George Tucker aka Jason Street aka Scott Porter leaving his beloved Bluebell for Nashville. Wade & Zoey and Lemon & LeVon are getting married, Zoey's already preggers, so things are pretty much wrapped up for everyone except AB. Again, this one should have ended already, so I'm fine with it, but I really need the official word from the CW peeps to come down. THE OTHER STUFF
-I normally don't love Jimmy Fallon's show within his show, "EW" but Friday's edition with Arianna Grande was hilarious. So was Arianna's actual sit down with Jimmy. Didn't realize before, but she's actually never spoken on any talk show before Friday. She should do more of them, she's good at it. Check her out here:
-The GLAAD Awards were given out over the weekend. Here are the winners In the TV categories:
Outstanding Drama-How to Get Away with Murder
Outstanding Comedy-Transparent (Not funny but look how long it took the Emmy's to figure things out)
Outstanding TV Movie or Mini-Series-The Normal Heart
-Of course I was sad to hear that Season 6 of Downton Abbey will be its last, but I'd prefer Julian Fellows wrap it all up with a perfect bow then let it go the same routet as Glee or any other shark jumper. Maggie Smith is 81, Lady Mary's already starting to sleep around, Mr. Carson, Mrs. Hughes and the Bates have got to be exhausted by now and Thomas needs to shed the outfit and catch a flight to the West Village, pronto. I'm fine with knowing the end is coming. I bet PBS is freaking out a bit, but maybe a spinoff for Lady Edith called DOUBLE DOWNER. That'd be good, right?
-If you were a teen in the 80's, then you'll remember Andrew "Dice" Clay and how big a deal he once was. He was HUGE. I saw him at tiny club out on Long Island and then at Madison Square Garden. He's struggled ever since. The world became too politically correct for the Dice's humor and he couldn't get a gig. He's done some reality shows, Entourage and Woody Allen even put him in Blue Jasmine, but nothing seems to help truly reignite his career. Hopefully, Showtime's 6 episode commitment to Dice will be the kick start he needs. I'm rooting for the guy.
-The Emmy people have probably never been busier now that they have to figure out which categories certain shows are eligible for. Last week, they agreed that Shameless, Glee and Jane the Virgin could compete in the comedy category and this week, they came to the conclusion that Orange is the New Black should compete in the drama category which is what I've been saying all along. OitNB isn't FUNNY. It's awesome, but it's not funny, so I completely agree with this decision.
- I was psyched when I heard that Billy Taylor, the original showrunner of Flipping Out on Bravo is returning to the show. He's been gone for 3 seasons and to be honest, we need him back badly. The show has sucked for awhile now. I've never given up on it, I continued to watch every episode but it's gotta get back to it's roots. I hope if Jeff Lewis is reading this he doesn't get pissed off at me but there's one really big problem with the show that maybe Billy will handle better than I will here...GAGE! Jeff may love the guy, but I'm betting most fans, like me, would like to see less of him. Sorry Jeff. Let's get back to basics, Zoila, Jenny, Jeff and some crazy clients.
-I finished Season 3 of House of Cards over the weekend. I know it's too soon to discuss publicly, but if anyone out there wants to chat about it, let me know.
-On a sad note, local Eyewitness News reporter, Lisa Colagrassi, passed away suddenly last Thursday from a brain aneurysm. As you know, I'm not a big news person, but when I do watch the news, I am a WABC viewer. Hearing about Lisa hit me harder than I'd expected it to. She was a good reporter, very close to my age, a wife, and a Mom. Just reinforces to us all that life is short. Do what you love, surround yourself with people you love, have fun, laugh and enjoy the ride. RIP LIsa Colagrassi.
Monday's Trivia Question: The "Diceman" played a bouncer at a club in this John Hughes 80's flick.
WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]