Lifestyle Magazine

Lucie and Chris’s Relaxed Wedding with a London Theme

By Claire

Con­grat­u­la­tions Lucie and Chris, and thank you so much for shar­ing your story on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog! My thanks also to my friend and spon­sor, wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Ben­jamin Toms for the lovely images of this Lon­don wed­ding. Enjoy! Claire xxx
 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (2)

Lucie and Chris: a beau­ti­ful and relaxed Lon­don wedding

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (3)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (4)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (5)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (6)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (7)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (8)

Wed­ding venue:

Old Maryle­bone Town Hall, The Swan at The Globe

Wed­ding photographer:

Kent wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Ben­jamin Toms

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

Reg­istry office cer­e­mony in the Pur­ple Room at Maryle­bone Reg­istry Office (we loved the relaxed and warm style of the room and the bride still got her aisle to walk down), clas­si­cal music on strings before the ser­vice, con­tem­po­rary songs on strings from the entry of the bride onwards

Wed­ding read­ings: Scaf­fold­ing – Sea­mus Heaney, After the lunch – Wendy Cope

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

We tried to embrace the sea­son, going for darker pur­ple and warm pink colours through­out, from the brides­maids dresses, through to the flow­ers in bou­quets, the reg­istry office and The Swan and on the cake.

While we lived in Lon­don, a lot of our guests didn’t so we laid on a Routemas­ter bus – com­plete with sight­see­ing tour – to take our guests from the reg­istry office to the venue – and rather than be apart from our guests, we thought we’d hop on the bus too!

All our sta­tionery embraced the Lon­don theme and, to com­plete things, we worked with The Swan to set the recep­tion up in such a way that our guests could see the fab­u­lous iconic views of St Paul’s Cathe­dral from the drinks recep­tions and dur­ing the meal. We hoped that the Swan would come across as a mod­ern styl­ish venue and that the views would amaze our guests and we were not disappointed.

How­ever, the most impor­tant thing for us was to make sure the tone of the day was warm, com­fort­able and relaxed and the set up of the Bal­cony Room and the staff at The Swan achieved the bal­ance per­fectly on the day.

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (10)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (11)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (12)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (13)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (14)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (15)

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

All with a fun brightly coloured Lon­don sky­line theme (from Hello Kitty). Home­made Lon­don Under­ground map as a table plan.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

Strings at Old Maryle­bone Town Hall and drinks recep­tion – Manor House Music. Band after the wed­ding break­fast – The Van Goghs (booked via Func­tion Junc­tion). Both were excel­lent – we had seen the Van Goghs at a friend’s wed­ding, so we knew they had the range of songs to make the party go with a bang.

What did you wear?

Lucie: Lusan Man­dongus dress (“Tara”) and acces­sories from Teokath, Wim­ble­don; Fil­ippa Scott shoes. Brides­maid dresses: Dessy.

Chris: Gieves & Hawkes

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

Walk­ing along the South Bank for our pho­tographs and hav­ing com­plete strangers con­grat­u­lat­ing us – not some­thing you’d expect in London!

The string quar­tet break­ing into “Chas­ing Rain­bows” by Shed Seven as Lucie walked into the room (they had learned Chris’ favorite song as a surprise).

Wed­ding day advice:

We know it’s a cliché, but the day goes so fast! Try to step back and get a cou­ple of min­utes to your­selves to soak it all in.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

  • Ben­jamin Toms Photography
  • The Van Goghs (through Func­tion Junction)
  • Manor House Music
  • The Swan at the Globe

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (16)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (17)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (18)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (19)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (20)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (21)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (22)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (23)

 wedding blog by Benjamin Toms (24)

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