Diet & Weight Magazine

Low-carb Dieting: New Year Round-up

By Carbophobic @carbophobic

Lose weight by cutting carbsHappy New Year! Partying is over now, and it’s time to go back to clean eating and exercising. As expected, I am seeing a spike in visitors to this blog, looking for advice with their New Year resolution to lose weight.

I decided to do a quick round-up of materials on this website, especially for these newcomers, and for any returning visitors who are restarting their low-carb diet this January.

Below is a list of questions I usually get asked by low-carb beginners.

Will a low-carb diet help me lose weight?

Yes. If you stick with the guidelines of your chosen low-carb diet, it is certain that you will lose weight (unless you suffer from any medical conditions that may affect your metabolism – in which case you need to discuss any diet plans with your doctor). Find out why cutting down on carbs leads to weight loss.

Are low-carb diets better than other types of diet?

Low-carb diets have several advantages over low-fat or calorie-restricted diets. One major advantage is the absence of hunger, which makes it much easier to stick with this type of diet. Read my post about why I choose a low-carb lifestyle.

Are low-carb diets dangerous?

No! This is just a myth perpetuated by the media. There is no scientific evidence to prove this opinion. Most people actually experience improvements to their health as a result of a low-carb diet, including better digestion, lower cholesterol levels and more energy. Read more about low-carb diet myths.

Are there any downsides to low-carb diets?

You might end up spending more money on food, as proteins and fresh vegetables tend to be more expensive that cheap refined carbs such as pasta and bread. However, it is still possible to do low-carb on a budget, you will just need to be more selective.

Most low-carb diets include a lot of animal proteins and fats, and so would be difficult for vegetarians. However, there are some plans designed specifically with this in mind: The Vegetarian Low-Carb Diet.

Which diet should I choose?

There are many low-carb diet plans – you need to find one that would suit your lifestyle. Have a look through this overview of four most popular low-carb diets.

Is it going to be really difficult to choose the right foods?

No – it is not difficult at all. Low-carb food can be incredibly satisfying and varied. Read our guide to choosing low-carb foods. You will need to educate yourself about carbohydrate content of common foods, and find a carb counter (as a book, app or an online database) to use initially.

Please also have a look at our low-carb recipes, and our selection of low-carb cookbooks.

But what about foods that are usually high in carbs – like breakfast, desserts and bread?

Breakfast is just another meal – there is no law saying that it must be high in carbs. Have a look at our guide to low-carb breakfast foods.

There are many low-carb substitutes for these foods that are traditionally high in carbs. For example, there are plenty of recipes that use nut-based flours and sugar-free sweeteners to create breads and desserts. Check out this great book on low-carb baking.

Do I have to exercise as well?

Although it is possible to lose weight without exercising, it is definitely a good idea to do so. Exercise will speed up your weight loss, not to mention a range of other health benefits. Read our guide on how to start exercising.

How can I stay motivated?

Staying motivated until you reach your goal weight can be difficult. Read our guide to weight loss motivation, and make sure you have realistic expectations.

Do I need to take supplements?

It is possible to get all the required nutrients from food alone when on a low-carb diet. Diet plans usually come with recommendations on this subject, so check your chosen diet manual on this. Please also read our guide to low-carb diet supplements.

Ready to give low-carb a try?

Here’s how to get started with your low-carb diet weight loss.

If there are any other questions you have, please post them as a comment below, and I will get the answers added to this page.

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