Entertainment Magazine

Lovelocks Saturday Night…

Posted on the 08 February 2015 by Hendrik Pape @soundcheckblg

I think it would be an understatement to say things are going well for The Lovelocks. It's almost one year to the day, of the release of their first self-titled EP. With two songs off the EP released to radio and playing dates across North America the past 12 months have been a whirl wind for sure. But last night they settled into the Mill Creek Pub for a fantastic performance in an intimate setting.

For those that were in attendance (100+) they were treated to a great evening of music. The venue was packed on the cold and snowy February Saturday night. However the room was filled with the warmth of two VERY talented young ladies backed by 2 very accomplished gentlemen (can't confirm or deny this but they sounded good). As they started the performance it was the second song of the set that really caught the audience's attention. Now this could partially be because Ali led the audience into a retirement home recreation session with hands in the air and people boppin' in their seats as they played the second single off the EP - Dance. Fun to see at such an intimate setting, and usually makes the concert goer's experience that much more memorable. There were a couple other songs in the first set that really stood out. One, being the Dixie Chicks inspired rendition of Fleetwood Mac's Landslide which I had seen the girls do on YouTube but seeing it live was just a different experience. The other song that caught my ear and was a new song that we the audience heard the VERY first public performance ofwas Attitude which by the audiences response as well as mine, went over very well.

The second set started with an upbeat cover of Happy by Pharrell Williams which was followed by the duos first single Tear Drop Tattoo which has a really great story but you will need to catch a show to hear it. I would have to say my personal highlight of the night was the girl's rendition of Dolly Parton's Jolene. Again I had seen them sing it on YouTube but can tell you there is nothing like a live performance.

I had the chance to chat with the girls after the 2 nd set and I will have that for you later this month. Some pretty cool things happening with them and we are excited to tell you about them.

I unfortunately had to duck out before the end of the 3 rd set which was before midnight but I can tell you that there is a reason why these girls were part of the CCMA Discovery program and are on the verge of becoming Canada's next big thing in country music. The talent the two bring to the table is unreal. Want more info on the girls? Interested in helping out on their new Crowd Funding efforts to get the second album out to the masses by fall of 2015 visit their website here.

Thanks girls for the amazing night of music and a big thanks to Mill Creek Pub for bringing such great talent to the Orangeville area. And thanks for reading. Love to hear your thoughts on the show or any other Lovelock show you have attended in the past.

Corey Kelly / @CoreyKelly76

Lovelocks Saturday Night…

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