Thank you Joy for nominating me to do this tag! =) This is another great tag to get to know all our fellow bloggers more!
- Share 10 things you love and 10 you hate
- Nominate up to 10 blogs to do the same
T h i n g s I L o v e
- My family and friends (of course), everyone that has given me strength and courage, and has continually pushed me to be the best that I can be
- Meeting new people and completely clicking with them straightaway like as if I’ve known them your whole life!
- Perfect weather – when it isn’t too hot and humid but it’s also not too cold! I just feel super happy and motivated when the weather is nice
- Feeling accomplished after completing something that I’m proud of =)
- Exercise – it still boggles my mind that a few years ago, working out would have never crossed my mind as being something I would look forward to doing but it has truly become such a huge part of my life now!
- Meeting up with friends spontaneously with no particular plan(s) in mind but having the day or night pull through and having it become one of the most fun and memorable times
- Drinking a huge glass of water after being so thirsty for too long! It’s so satisfying LOL
- Crawling into bed and snuggling up in warm blankets after a long, tiring day
- Music – it just really helps me to destress and relax!
- Everyone that I have met through WordPress and blogging in general – you all are just the sweetest bunch of people
T h i n g s I H a t e
- People that literally only talk to me when they need something!
- When I realise that a particular item of clothing I want to wear for the day is in the wash! =P
- That one incident, whether it be minor or major, that just completely ruins my day or even the entire week =(
- Accidentally smudging nail polish after I’ve just painted them
- When I’ve met someone and have greeted them so many times but somehow I’ve forgotten their name and it’s too late to ask at that point LOL
- Being an over-thinker! It’s seriously the worst, every small scenario just becomes so much bigger than it needs to be
- How I’m so incredibly embarrassed to leave a room or a conference etc when I need to use the restroom really badly LOL
- Doing talks or public speaking in front of a group of people – I am a lot better at this now than I used to be but I still despise it and I wouldn’t do it if I had the choice
- Just negative, rude or mean people in general. They truly bring my own personal mood down so I would prefer to stay away from them if I can!
- Waiting for a TV show to be back from break or for the new season to start! I’m so impatient and I’m just always dying to know what’s next!
I know the rule of this tag requires people to tag 10 other bloggers but I want to tag everyone that wants to do this! I think this is a really fun tag to do so if you want to, post up 10 things you love and 10 things you hate! You can just say that I tagged you to do it if you want to! =) Have a spectacular day!