Love & Sex Magazine

Love and The Law of Attraction

By Thebusinessgypsy @businessgypsy

Love and the Law of Attraction

Many people want and wish to find love.  Many people believe they have found love, but it eventually disappears.  People search for their soul mate every day, and wish that love would happen to them.  We think of love constantly and look around every corner and under every rock to find that one person that truly understands us and will love us unconditionally.  Love is possible for everyone.  It just depends on how you go about it.  In my case, it all started with a Dance and ended with the Law of Attraction.


As a child, my mom decided to place me & my sisters in a Private Catholic School, when we started 6th grade.  While attending private school, you had the chance to experience life at its richest.  We attended huge birthday parties hosted at gorgeous houses laid with marble.  A different sleepover every weekend with most of them unchaperoned.  I even attended a Christmas Ornament Exchange and High Tea at the Hotel DuPont.  The most popular and the most expensive event that every 6th grade girl looked forward to, was the Cotillion.  A Cotillion is a dance, that happens in the 7th grade, for those who are specifically invited and who are grand-fathered in to the guest list due to a past sibling or parent who attended the Cotillion.  The Cotillion was always held at a huge hotel or mansion and came fully loaded with food, drink and dancing! It was the highlight of every little girl’s life and it would end up being a night to remember for me.

When I finally reached the 7th grade, it was time to attend the Cotillion!  Girls where talking about this for a year in advance and most already had their dresses months in advance!  The night finally came and as I walked into the huge venue, covered in gold and marble, I didn’t expect that this night would change everything.  The night progressed with food, punch and dancing.  While dancing, my eyes locked with a cute, brown-haired, brown-eyed boy with a great smile and little chubby cheeks.  We drifted towards each other and started to dance.  His name was Shawn and he attended a different private school.  The rest of the night, we were inseparable.  We danced, laughed and joked until it was all over.  Before it was time to leave, we exchanged numbers, a hug and off I went with the girls, back to the normal world of school and chores.  Life would be anything but normal, though.

Shawn called me 2 days later, on my birthday, and asked me to be his girlfriend.  I was so happy and excited, plus I thought it was adorable that he asked me out on my birthday.  I, of course, accepted and couldn’t wait to tell all of my friends that I had a boyfriend.  Shawn and I dated for a year, always laughing, smiling, and even attending my 8th Grade Formal together, which was held by the public school I attended.  We always got along so well.  I still remember the way he smelled and the way he kissed me.  Eventually, things faded and we broke up before 9th grade.  He attended another Private School for High School and I attended a Public School.  I thought it would be the last time I would ever see him, but the Law of Attraction had other plans.

Years passed and time flew by.  High school came and went.  I dated on and off. I fell in and out of love.  Still, every day for some strange reason, I would think of Shawn.  What was he doing?  Was he happy?  Was he even still alive?  I had heard rumors and whispers on the wind, telling me stories of how Shawn was never home at his parents house, partying til the sun came up, and was getting into trouble.  I continued on with my life but one year, I came to a crossroads. I was working as a server at a chain restaurant, and saw “Brad”, one of Shawn’s old friends from 7th grade.  We started to talk, and we exchanged numbers so we could hang out.  A couple of days later, we met up, hung out, and got a drink at a local pub.  While outside on the patio, he got a phone call.  He looked at his phone, and looked astonished.  I was confused, since I hadn’t seen him in a while, so I just shrugged it off, and went back to drinking my cocktail.  He picked up the phone and said “Hey Shawnie Boy!”  I almost choked on my drink!  It was Shawn.

I sat and looked in amazement as “Brad” talked to Shawn on the phone, like it was back in 7th grade.  He turned to me and asked “Did you want to say hi?” I told him just to say hello for me.  ”Brad” got back on the phone with Shawn and told him that I said hello.  I heard Shawn on the other end say “WHAT?! You are with Heather?!”  Immediately my heart started to race.  I instantly remembered his smell.  He told us to leave the bar and come over to his apartment, where he was living, so he could see both of us.  We finished up at the bar and headed over to Shawn’s.  It was butterflies all over again.  We knocked on the door and when the door opened, there stood Shawn, but not the Shawn I remember.  He was tall.  He had a shaved head and wore the baggiest jeans I had seen in a while. His eyes, his smile and the way he smelled though…still the same.

The law of Attraction and Love

It didn’t happen right away, but our new-found friendship eventually led to dating and then straight to love.  I always wondered how Shawn was brought back into my life and how the universe accomplished this.  I finally realized it was the Law of Attraction.  While in the 7th grade, I created a password for an email account and the password had something to do with Shawn.  For years, I typed in that email address and password, and every time I typed it in, my mind was brought back to the night of the Cotillion, or my 8th Grade Formal, or just the way he looked or laughed.  I was always brought back to a memory of Shawn.  I still use that email address and password to this day, and I still think of Shawn every time.  I believe the Law of Attraction brought my soul mate back to me.  Today is our 5 year anniversary.

Everyone is capable of achieving love.  You just need to stop looking, waiting and hoping and instead, let love find you.

Names were changed and altered to protect the identity of those involved in this story. 

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By Katewilson
posted on 11 July at 12:45
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My name is Kate I like to write articles have written so much articles about motivation and positive things. I just want to post one of top article here.
