French shoe maker Christian Louboutin, won the appeal in the US court this September, entitling the designer to trademark his famous red soles. The court case battle was up against popular luxury brand and rival YSL, who had wanted to paint it’s outer- soles a deep scarlet, fitting in with this seasons trend.

Having marketed his shoes with the red outer-soles since 1992, and trademarked the “look” in the United states in 2008, Louboutin obviously felt that this recognisable glossy red statement sole, lay at the heart of the appeal of the brand’s shoes. Thus entitling the designer to ownership.

The glam footwear is a favorite amongst many celebrities including Lady Gaga and Victoria Beckham. Having also been featured in iconic television series “Sex and the City” Louboutin sells roughly 240,000 pairs each year in the United states alone, formulated revenues of about $135 million.
It is now safe to say that the red sole is officially the Louboutin signature.