Fashion Magazine

Lord of the Rings – A Valentine’s Special

By Sauceloves

We heard it through the fashion grapevine that pinky rings are THE lust-have accessory of the moment  - swiftly making their way up the “it” ranks. Says who? Vogue. (loving this one on Jennifer!) Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special And who are we to disagree?  This is one bandwagon we’ll happily jump on! Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special

Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special

Images from FabSugar

Our take on the trend?  These goorrrgeous numbers by Ghada S, which come in an awesome variety of precious stones (diamonds, sapphires, rubies, black diamonds)  and metals (rose gold, white gold, yellow gold, black rhodium)!

Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special
Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special
Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special
Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special
Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special
We are also super loving the new combinations with coloured enamel and white mother of pearl!  #sohotrightnow
Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special
Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special
Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special
Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special
And the best part?  You can even select your preferred combination and customise it with your own (or loved one’s) initials!
Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special

Or any other motif you like!

Lord of the rings – A Valentine’s special

How’s that for a gift idea!?

(Note: if this email has been forwarded on to you by said loved one  - you can contact us on [email protected] immeeediately to place your order!)

(Nudge nudge wink wink)

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