Christ Church, Spitalfields. Photo: Melanie Clegg.
Following on from yesterday’s highlights of 2013, I thought it’d be fun or interesting or whatever to have a look at the ten things that I am most STOKED about for 2014. Ready?

Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, after Hans Holbein the Younger, early 17th century. Photo: National Portrait Gallery, London.
1. Wolf Hall and Bring Up The Bodies at the RSC. It seems like eons ago that I bought my tickets for this and I can’t believe that it is now just mere weeks until I trek up to Stratford upon Avon for a day of EPIC TUDOR FUN. Okay, I was possibly being just a tad optimistic when I planned to watch both plays one after the other on the same day but if the actors can get through it then so can I. I’m SO excited!

2. The First Georgians: Art and Monarchy at the Queen’s Gallery. next year’s major exhibition at the Queen’s Gallery at Buckingham Palace is The First Georgians: Art & Monarchy 1714-60, which will be running from the 11th of April until the 12th of October. This is VERY exciting news as there just isn’t enough attention paid to the early Hanoverians in my opinion – okay the Georges themselves were rather ghastly, dreary types but they somehow managed to surround themselves with the most fabulous courts, full of intrigue, wit and scandal so this exhibition promises to be a real treat – especially as it is going to include over three hundred works from within the Royal Collection. How amazing.

3. Four Sisters: The Lost Lives of the Romanov Grand Duchesses by Helen Rappaport. I’m a massive fan of Helen Rappaport’s wonderful books, most particularly Ekaterinburg: The Last Days of the Romanovs and Magnificent Obsession: Victoria, Albert and the Death That Changed the Monarchy, both of which are brilliantly engrossing and fascinating looks at two rather dark aspects of European royal history. Anyway, I’ve been SO excited about her upcoming book focussing on the four Romanov Grand Duchesses and can’t wait until it comes out in March. In fact, I already have it on pre-order – as should you if you’re at all interested in Romanov history as it promises to be fantastically good with a novel slant on the all too sadly short lives of those most tragic of princesses.

4. Sherlock Holmes at the Museum of London. I am SO EXCITED about this as I have always been a most MASSIVE Sherlock Holmes fan. Shame that we have to wait until October for this to start but I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait!

5. The 2014 Jack the Ripper Conference. I won’t be speaking at the next one, which I am sure is an IMMENSE relief to everyone but I will definitely be there as a delegate! The conference is held in a different city every year and next year it will be Salisbury’s turn to put up with a crowd of avid Ripper researchers descending on their pubs and alleyways! I can’t wait.

Wedding dress, Gladman & Womack (London), 1885. Photo: Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
6. Wedding Dresses at the Victoria and Albert Museum. As I’ve said before, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the Victoria and Albert Museum BUT I think that even I might be tempted through their doors by the new upcoming exhibition about wedding dresses as I find a bit of bridal flounce almost impossible resist. ‘This magical exhibition highlights exceptional craftsmanship and brings together couture and designer-made wedding garments from key fashion designers including Charles James, Vivienne Westwood and Vera Wang. Join us as we share the stories behind the outfits and celebrate the most comprehensive, nostalgic and evocative collection of wedding dresses and bridal fashions ever.’

7. The Hampton Court Sleepover. There’s loads of Georgian fun and frolics planned by the Historic Royal Palaces for next year (and I will of course I will be reporting back from the press previews as usual!) but I have to admit that the one that I am most looking forward to is the sleepover, which is being held in the summer and will be themed around the ‘midnight flit’ of Prince Frederick and his heavily pregnant wife Princess Augusta in 1737. Of course, it’s sod’s law that I won’t get a ticket now that I have trumpeted my excitement far and wide but ah well.

Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret, 13 December 1935. Photo: Royal Collection © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
8. Royal Childhood at Buckingham Palace. the 2014 special exhibition at Buckingham Palace will be ‘Royal Childhood’, which ‘will reflect on the birth of HRH Prince George of Cambridge. Royal Childhood tells the story of life as a young member of the royal family at Buckingham Palace, and will include a range of current and historical objects from the Royal Collection and the private collections of the Royal Family.’ How fabulous does that sound? I think it’s so lovely that next year’s exhibition space at Buckingham Palace has been inspired by Prince George. I wonder if the famous royal christening gown will be on display?

9. Georgian dress at the Bath Fashion Museum. Being based in Bristol means that Bath is a mere hop and a skip away, which is rather nice if you are as keen on Georgian history as I am. I’ve obviously visited the Bath Fashion Museum more times than I care to recollect and have to say that they have the most fabulous exhibitions, mostly drawn on their own wonderful resources. I’m particularly excited about next year’s show which promises to ‘present a selection of the finest fashions worn by those attending Assemblies, and other glittering occasions of 18th century life.’ How ace does that sound?

10. Bletchley Circle is coming back next week! Hurray! I watch very little television all things considered and tend to limit my viewing to films on DVD or BLu-ray, old crime series on Netflix and the occasional drama. It’s very rare that I will watch something at the same time as everyone else (the only honourable exceptions to this rule appear to be Downton Abbey, Whitechapel, Marple, Ripper Street, Foyle’s War and Sherlock) so if I make the effort to seek something out then it’s usually because it a. has had glowing reviews from friends whose taste I trust and b. I am sufficiently intrigued to cast my books aside and give it a whirl. So it is with The Bletchley Circle, which is a brilliantly gritty and often moving crime drama set in a grimy post war London. I can’t wait to see it return!
And there we have it – just a few of the things that I am looking forward to in 2014 and I haven’t even touched upon the trips we’re planning, the three books I’ll be working on or anything else!
‘Frothy, light hearted, gorgeous. The perfect summer read.’ Minette, my young adult novel of 17th century posh doom and intrigue is now £2.02 from Amazon UK and $2.99 from Amazon US.
Blood Sisters, my novel of posh doom and iniquity during the French Revolution is just a fiver (offer is UK only sorry!) right now! Just use the clicky box on my blog sidebar to order your copy!
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