Fashion Magazine

LOOKBOOK | Black on Black

By Obviousleigh @Obviousleigh
LOOKBOOK | Black on BlackLOOKBOOK | Black on BlackLOOKBOOK | Black on BlackLOOKBOOK | Black on BlackShirt - MatalanCoat - eBayTights - PrimarkBag - eBayBoots - Dr Martens
Above I am wearing another top that I wrote about in the last 'New In' post HERE. I brought this shirt in the sale for £3.50 and although I ended up getting a size too big, I quite like the fact its a little over sized and can be worn over tights. The tights I am wearing are probably the best thing I have brought in a long while for practicality. They are the infamous cosy tights from Primark, If you don't own a pair go and buy some you won't regret it. This outfit is somewhere in between smart and casual The docs have really dressed this outfit down but you could easing put on some Chelsea boots and instantly change the feel of this look. Another thing I am loving is the brown/nude lip I am wearing, I love how natural this looks yet its quite unusual and right on trend with the nineties trend back in. Whats your favorite lip color at the moment? Leigh xo

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