Current Magazine

Look Out Guys Who Propose To Women In Stadiums… Looks Like You Have A New Challenger For Public Proposals!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

A Fox 54 News anchor began reading breaking news, in a video that can be seen here. The breaking news was that “News anchor to be proposed to on live TV,” at which time her boyfriend proposed to her on live TV.

3 Worse Follow Up Sentences The Teleprompter Could Have Contained To “News anchor to be proposed to on live TV.”

1. “And that news anchor now has to travel to the snake-filled Amazon, because the proposal will take place on the Travel Channel in 20 hours, assuming someone remembered to sedate the snakes.”

2. “And the news anchor has just said ‘no’ even though she wanted to say yes, because she listens to whatever teleprompters, computers or Siri tells her to do. Don’t even ask her about the time her navigation system told her to drive her SUV into a creek!”

3. “But now that we have sucked viewers in, we will run 58 minutes of the latest stories about people shoveling snow; interviews with people about how cold it is; and images of Air Force One before it takes off. That’s how we roll on CNN!”

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