Look 314
Control Freak
Shorts, PINKaholic. Yellow wedges, Love Jen. Accessories, Bubbles.
Hello outdoors again! The sun came a little later after lunch today so there’s not much time to waste. A good hour or two and it’s all gloomy again.
As I was sorting out my stuff choosing which ones to sell and which one gets to stay, I came across this top. It’s got a peter pan collar and a great mustard color. I figured I’ll use it for my 365 for the last time before I’ll let this one go. Heeee!
Is my hair okay?! It’s not yet too late to do the ombre thingy right?! I’ll chop the ends off when I get tired of it anyway. Lol!
Of course she’s with us!
Control Freak–> Informal . A person having a strong need for control over people or situations.
(according to http://dictionary.reference.com/)
There’s always a need to know what’s going on in your surroundings, I’m like that! Thus, the title again. And I hate it whenever I lose or maybe get out of touch with something. I feel like I’ve been ployed even if it really isn’t the case. I guess I’m the most irrational person you’ll ever know and oftentimes it makes me wonder why my significant others can survive such occurrences. OR better yet, we could blame it to the hormones. As you know, PMS can take its toll on me sometimes. You could really tell that from my blog posts. I could easily get mad with the simplest of things or cry for the wrong reasons. We’ve all been there and ladies for sure could totally relate. (I think!)
Stay wicked!