Current Magazine

Lonely Offshore Money Singing “Party In The USA” By Itself

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The Fiscal Times reports that American companies are keeping $1.2 trillion in offshore tax havens to avoid paying taxes. The report further suggests that due to lost tax revenues, this costs Americans $1259 per year.

3 Other Ways To Lose $1259 In A Year

1. Playing Candy Crush Saga while roaming on your smartphone, in an offshore tax haven, that you are visiting to look at your money, while wishing you could bring it home to buy uncrushed candy.

2. Deposit $1259 in a non-offshore bank, and then lose your ATM card with the PIN number “1259″ written on the back. “1259″ sounds like an actual good PIN number, compared to all those “1234-ers” out there. What a shame you intended just to write your bank balance on the back, to save the environment by not having to print a ATM receipt. Next time make sure the two numbers aren’t the same!

3. Get fined for not paying taxes on your very lucrative business of uncrushing digital candy.

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