It’s Tuesday right? Tuesday??
Happy Tuesday!
Right now I’m eating the most delicious yogurt on earth!

Siggi’s vanilla. Max’s mom made us some really tasty homemade granola as a housewarming gift. I added a scoop for extra fun.
Seriously, I like Siggi’s so much it’s like dessert.
Totally. Not. Normal.

Licking my spoon like a crazy person I got to thinking… why can’t life (in general) be Siggi’s Good?
I like Siggi’s so much it’s like dessert. But it’s good for me. It makes me happy. And it puts me in a better mood than I was in.
I want to do things in life that feel like “good-for-me” dessert.

I think I wasn’t super jazzed about my life for the last 1,500 days or so. I think I was trying to get to that magical place that would make me happy. Like, ohh one day when I’m thin I’ll be really confident and want to go out more. Or, ohh one day I’ll have this great job that gives me meaning and I’ll look forward to doing it. I really hung onto this idea of Ohh, one day…
Well we only get one life! I want to be happy now. Plus, what’s going to get me to Ohh, one day if I don’t ever change anything in the day I’m in?
This year I think I’ve been taking some really great steps to living Siggi’s Good.
1) moving was a huge one. I was ready to control my own refrigerator and where the couch is in the living room, you know?!
2) Taking more responsibility in my own life.
3) getting Donner!!!! He’s so fun to be around. He always makes me laugh.
4) Getting fired. This is the big one. I got a quick little taste of my Dream Job. And you know, the more I think about it… I really didn’t love it. I loved some aspects of it but I didn’t like a big portion of it. I wasn’t looking forward to going to work every day. Now looking at it, I think getting fired was the best thing that could have happened.
5) stepping out of the box and getting a random new job.

I’m obsessed with the show GIRLS on HBO…
It can be a little raunchy at times but I still love it. And it makes me realize good things in my life. Plus it puts the whole “screwing up” thing into perspective. Everyone does it. It’s part of the journey.
In one of the episodes an employer tells the main character Hannah, to get out of her comfort zone. This poster is on the wall. I think my new job is in that little “where the magic happens” frame. I can’t begin to go into how “outside my comfort zone” this job is. But I have a really good feeling about it.

I’m laying the groundwork. And my days are starting to be Siggi’s Good. I love where I live. I love all the adventures Donner takes me on. I’m filling my days with workouts I want to do, don’t HAVE to do. I’m eating delicious food that I crave, not because it’s exactly 348 calories.
I’m starting to enjoy each day. I’m not living in the Ohh, one day… anymore. And guess what. I’m way more happy and way more content than I was before.
Tell me about you!!! I want to know…
What is your favorite dessert?
I just had some German Chocolate Cake last night… I can’t stop thinking about it.
Who is the hottest celebrity right now?
What do you need to go shopping for?
sandals. my sandals are completely falling apart.