Do you listen to audiobooks? I didn’t until a few years ago when a friend raved about The Help. In the past I’d always preferred reading a book. It never occurred to me to listen to one. I read quite a bit, at least 300 books a year. But she was right. The audiobook was fantastic and added something more to the book.
Now I listen in the car or at the gym. Which got me thinking when I published my first book, Lost in Shadow. I decided to do an audiobook. It was a learning experience. And while the book was published in March, the audiobook just came out a couple of weeks ago.
You can find it at Audible, Amazon and iTunes.
Meanwhile, I’m working with a new narrator on the second book, Desired by Shadow. It will be available mid to late December. I hope this narrator will be the one I end up using for the entire series. She has a lovely British accent.

When you listen to audiobooks do you prefer the same narrator for a series? Or do you mind if the voice changes?
Happy listening!
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