Revlon Matte Lipstick
Revlon is one of the few lipstick brand that I adore. Not only because its name is known but more so because it doesn’t dry my lips like other lipstick does. I’ve said this a lot of times, I’m not really wearing makeup and I’m no makeup guru. I just love buying it because I may need it anytime and it would be smart of me if I have my own. My lack of skills in makeup painting doesn’t keep me from procuring good quality ones. I used it once in a while but most of the time they only gather dust at the dresser counter. I’ve had the Pink Pout Revlon Super Lustrous Matte Lipstick for quite some time now and maybe I have worn it for couple of times only. Pink Pout will be our lipstick of the day and if you want to know what I have to say about it, read on then 😊.
I liked matte lipstick compared to the Colorburst. It stays longer and its color seems richer when applied on. Revlon Matte Lipsticks has so much shades to choose from but in my case, I didn’t pick the color myself. I already had Revlon Colorburst lipsticks in peach and cherry red and so I want to try their matte ones. I asked a friend to buy me a pink shade matte lipstick from Revlon as she will be heading to buy one for herself too. She chose Pink Pout for me and that was the story.
Super Lustrous Pink Pout

Pink Pout is the kind of pink every girl wants. It’s actually more of a pale pink but because it is matte, the color is enhanced with you apply it on. Makeup colors won’t always look the same on everyone. Your skin complexion would determine the real color of the make up. The lighter your skin tone, the lighter the color appears to be. If you are fair-skinned and want an obvious makeup hues, choosing darker colors would help you achieve it. Pink Pout has lustrous color that easily glides when you apply the stick. Since it is matte, it helps define the shape of your lips even without the aid of lip liner.

Will I Repurchase Revlon Super Lustrous Pink Pout Matte Lipstick?
I am not very much into lipstick. If I have to choose, I would always prefer a lip balm over any lipstick no matter how pretty it would make me look. I wouldn’t trade my Sebamed Lip Balm for any color stick. As I’ve said, Revlon lipsticks doesn’t dry my lips that much and even the matte ones does the same. I liked how pink it would turn in actual application. It’s like a Barbie color that I can play with. I bought it at SR 44 (USD 11.50) which for me is a fair price. It has tight cover which wouldn’t get out-of-place easily.
Would I repurchase it again? Yes but I’ll get another shade instead. Bloody red maybe? Maybe. So for our lipstick of the day, Revlon Pink Pout Super Lustrous Matte Lipstick that is, I will give it a rating of….4 hearts.

This post is inspired by my new-found friend Roro who did a review on Revlon lipstick last week on her blog. Till my next post.
Love Lots,