Hair & Beauty Magazine


By Georginacallen @georginacallen
I absolutely loved this months Glossybox - more than I think any other box. And I loved it so much because it was full of products I've wanted to try and can actually use. I was surprised to see so much hatred towards it on their Facebook page but to be honest I think even if the box was full of 5 full size high end products there would still be complaints - baffles me.
Anyways I loved it so much I've decided to give each product a proper test run and full review. Today it's all about Lipcote. I know this product has been around years and to all the moaners saying 'why have you put this in the box its so old' maybe the brand is trying to reach a new younger audience. I for one have always wanted to try this but just never bought it - probably for the 'it's a bit old fashioned' name it has.
I'm so glad it was in my box - it genuinely works. Now this isn't an everyday top coat for your lips because it does seriously tingle them and I don't think it's particularly nourishing or good for them either. However if you are attending a super long work meeting, or are heading out for a late night this is perfect. I popped it over the top of a pink lipstick at 7.30am before work and it was definitely still in place at 5pm when I was heading home checking it out in the rear view.
I have found to tackle the drying element it is worth having a similar shaded lip butter or lip balm to pop over the top during the day. This way you don't need a mirror you can keep even more pigment in your lip and it just eases off the drying quite a bit. When I attend the charity launch on Sunday with my lips a popping bright color Lipcote will be keeping them that way all night long. It retails for just £3.99 here it's got cute if not a little retro packaging and it works. I'm so glad it was featured because I probably would never have tried it.

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