Fashion Magazine

Liking Yourself

By Arianel
Hi Ladies!
How is your week so far
Mine is almost over - TG!
Dealing with rush hour everyday gets on my frecking nerves-
But I like myself when i emerge from the subway with a smile,my sanitiy and some kind of hope for the human race-
Transit is a video game with only one life you make it or you don't-
About the subject of liking yourself
What are the things that make you liking yourself?
Crooked pics below - Could'nt figure that one in Photoshop -Not liking myself for not figuring  this one out! -But i forgive  myself - Can't be perfect and I'm not  too serious when it comes to blogging sometimes, after a few attempts on photoshop ,i usually say, feck this! i will figure it out next time  -   For the time being-
Lets call the crooked pics, crooked pic style -Liking myself for making that up -But nice outfit, I'm liking myself there-I'm not liking myself there because the pics are a little fuzzy-I will have to fix  my settings, shutter speed, i should bring up the ISO a bit-But you forgive me!
  Not liking myself for not figuring the pose-Up neck, down neck, smile, don't smile, back straight-Drives me nuts sometines-I'm not liking my neck by the way-But I like my eyes-
I like myself when i keep my cool-I like myself when i don't make a fuss about things-I like myself when i forgive myself for not doing things perfectly -a1 
   But most importantly I'm liking myself  for being True to myself -Respectful and caring for others -And telling Mr. D every morning when he leaves for work that I love himThat is the best like of all!

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