Hello friends,
Mother nature must have read my note last weekend when I mentioned dreaming of spring. Earlier this week we were blessed with a fresh blanket of snow, letting me enjoy one more bundled up snow shoe.
It's hard not to enjoy hibernating with cups of tea and donning layers of clothes while the snow falls. After a five mile trek with snow falling I was covered in snow, my friend looked at me and commented that my lashes were "snowcicles".
Last night my husband looked at me and said, "you must be pleased with winter." I smiled.
It's been a good, cold, snowy week in northern New Jersey!
Reading: I'm listening to Mad about the Boy (Bridget Jones #3) but the cold has kept me inside more than usual, reading and knitting. Later this week our weather will warm up and I will hear the rest of Bridget's story while walking the dogs.
Knowing I would be home this weekend and in the mood for a memoir, Friday afternoon I downloaded a copy of Cold Antler Farm.
Synopsis: Farm City meets The Omnivore's Dilemma in Cold Antler Farm, a collection of essays on raising food on a small homestead , while honoring the natural cycle of the "lost" holidays of the agricultural calendar.
Every once in a while I read a book that stays with me long after turning the last page. I have so much to say about this memoir, and the stories the author shares. Sadly I need to wait a few months as the publication date is in June, but this gives me plenty of time to apply what I learned and share this with you late spring.
What are you reading this week? I think I will read The Splendour Falls (Kearsley) this week, but the decision is never final until I open the first page, and begin reading.
~::~ have a lovely week ~::~