Books Magazine

Life: Spring Along Now

By Mpartyka @mpartyka2
Life: spring along nowHello friends,
While I have been posting book reviews, it's been two weeks since my last update.  I miss the email updates these posts bring.  How are you? Do you have any exciting news to share?
2014 has been a strange weather year in the USA, with earthquakes and the fear of Yellowstone erupting, to a long, long hard winter.
Yesterday I walked my dogs without mittens for the first time in five months.  My garden is growing, and I'm planning to prepare the soil over the weekend.
Spring is coming. 
Reading: I read 22 books the first three months of the year, a nice blend of fiction and non-fiction.
Favorites include:
- Goodnight June (pub date, May)
- Cold Antler Farm (pub date, June)
- Homemade Gatherings
This week I'm listening to Jane Green's new novel, Tempting Fate. Have you read it?
Life: spring along nowSynopsis: When Gabby first met Elliott she knew he was the man for her. In twenty years of marriage she has never doubted her love for him - even when he refused to give her the one thing she still wants most of all. But now their two daughters are growing up Gabby feels that time and her youth are slipping away. For the first time in her life she is restless. And then she meets Matt . . .
Intoxicated by the way this young, handsome and successful man makes her feel, Gabby is momentarily blind to what she stands to lose on this dangerous path. And in one reckless moment she destroys all that she holds dear.
Consumed by regret, Gabby does everything she can to repair the home she has broken. But are some betrayals too great to forgive.

Life: spring along nowOn my ipad: Last night I started reading The Spinner's book of Fleece (pub July 23). New subject matter for me, it appears to be a complicated art form in which I hope to gain a little knowledge.  My goal in reading this book is selfish, to lessen my 'deer in the headlights' look when I visit my local yarn shoppe. {ha}
Synopsis: As spinners, knitters, and weavers know, the characteristics of fleece -- its structure, grease content, and fiber diameter -- vary widely depending on the breed of sheep the fleece comes from. These factors are crucial when you're deciding how to spin your fleece and use your finished yarn. 
Beth Smith presents a thorough overview of 21 sheep breeds, including each breed's characteristics and history, a photo of the animal and its locks, the best methods for washing its fleece, and specific techniques for preparing, spinning, and finishing the fleece.
Ten things I love: I was recently invited, on instagram, to post 10 things I love... trying to create a new list, here's what I'm digging this week: ferns on the forest floor, a book you can't put down, fizzy water, music throughout the home via Sonos, fresh fruit, planning my summer running calendar, latte's, baking, long walks with my dogs, and a power nap.
I hope everyone's having a lovely start to April, my family is off exploring the world while I enjoy a few quiet days.
Oh, I'm also loving this ~ 1-3-8 ~ do you know what this means? It's new to me... how clever!

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