Travel Magazine

Life's a Cabaret!

By Joseph Harrison @JTAH_1990

I love a good musical so it was a great surprise to be seeing Cabaret at Wolverhampton's Grand Theatre for my 23rd Birthday present! Wednesday 27th November 2013 arrived, I couldn't wait to see the show as I had visions of Liza Minnelli sing 'Mein Herr' so I had great expectations for the upcoming show! I've been a cultured soul this last year by seeing Hairspray: The Musical and Coppelia both in June of this year, let's just say I just adore the theatre!

Life's a Cabaret!

Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome in Cabaret! How's it going stranger? Emcee and his dancers from Berlin's Kit Kat Klub welcomed us to the Kabaret! Performing in place of Will Young was his under-study, Simon Jaymes who brought a special flare to the show with the perfect opportunity to make the most of the spotlight. Emcee and his scantily clad dancers of the Kit Kat Klub brought the correct amount of sass, I loved every second of the high energy opening segment! I wanted to be at that Berlin bohemian hang-out for the stage shone bright with fast-paced vibe of Emcee and his dazzling dance troupe! Meanwhile, Cliff an aspiring American novelist had just arrived in Berlin, Germany. He was greeted by a friendly acting gentlemen who went by the name of Ernst Ludwig, he befriended Cliff by inviting him to join the New Year's Eve festivities at the Kit Kat Klub, for the dawn of 1931 wasn't going to wait for anybody! 

The evenings proceedings were hotting up with the party in full swing but Cliff needed a place to stay in Berlin and somewhere to write his upcoming novel, thanks to a recommendation from Ernst Ludwig he had secured a basic dwelling by Fraulein Schneider. Now, I must say that the whole Berlin theme had me transfixed for I already wanted to visit the capital city of Germany before seeing this show, but as each second past through the first act of Cabaret I had been transport to a utopia of freedom. I sometimes don't sense things but I know I loved every second of this alternative musical! I know that my upcoming event for VisitBerlin will hopefully be as glamourous and outlandish as Cabaret prevailed to be! Back to the stage, Cliff had discovered the British beauty that was Miss Sally Bowles. I agree with Sally for a swig of Gin makes everything seem a lot more fabulous!

Life's a Cabaret!

The dancer Sally Bowles barged her way into Cliff's new life, she didn't leave him with much choice when she turned up at his dwelling, where she forced herself upon him! Fraulein Schneider didn't take very kindly to her new guest but she agreed a price to allow Sally to live with Cliff. Fraulein Schneider's dwellings were simple, she rented the basic rooms to people from all walks of life, I mean every kind of person! Fraulein Kost had a thing for sailors, she just couldn't help herself! Let's just say that delectable sailor wasn't her nephew for sure! I guess Berlin's got talent! The mood didn't stay rosy for long as Ernst Ludwig had a shady plan for Cliff to make some quick cash for his book wasn't any near finished and Sally announced that she was pregnant! All seemed well with the money making scheme but Sally's shock announcement left a sting in Cliff's tail for he didn't seem to impressed. Now, cue to my favorite Cabaret song for Sally belted out a strong rendition of 'Maybe This Time' I was singing every word because I really do love that song!

I had to stop visualising Liza Minnelli or other Broadway inspiredfilms I had previously seen whilst watching this show at Wolverhampton's Grand Theatre, for I had been transported to another place entirely!  Cabaret has to be one of my new favourites for the plot is dramatic and full of campery so that's almost an extension of my personality! Back to Fraulein Schneider, she professed to have a strong and powerful personality by not having a place in her life for a man, but I think she underestimated that? A charming addition to this darling musical was Herr Schultz, a fruit salesman who happened to win the affections of Fraulein Schneider with a pineapple from California. If today romances could be struck up with a pineapple that would be quite something, but considering Berlin was on the verge of Nazi occupation a pineapple or a orange could even seal a marriage proposal!? I for one would want more than just a pineapple but it worked for Herr Schultz and Fraulein Schneider! Do I hear the chime of wedding bells? 

Life's a Cabaret!A new day was dawning, a new frontier that would change the course of this once glamourous journey. Ernst Ludwig's motives were revealed at the engagement party of Fraulein Schneider and Herr Schultz, a new Nazi path started to evolve. The increased change of Berlin's part of the pending Nazi rule halted the marriage of the mature couple for Herr Schultz being Jewish did not want to put Fraulein Schneider in any danger, she was unfortunately left on her own again. Sally and Cliff's relationship had deteriorated, with the situation of 1930's Germany becoming unbearable he fled for America alone. Sally wasn't about to give up for she had decided to terminate her baby, forfeiting her luxurious fur coat to supplement the procedure for she had no money, for her next move would be back to the Kit Kat Klub! Performing a distressed and stuttered version of 'Mein Herr' Sally Bowles made the theater fall into a deathly silence, everyone was transfixed on her fragile demeanour but somehow she did this Cabaret anthem justice! 

Emcee changed during the final scenes of the show, he seemed crazed by something for it was clear to see that the regime had killed the Kaberet! Things had started with so much glamour and flamboyant energy, a new dark and depressing day had arrived. I hate to say this but the chill of the gas chambers from Auschwitz had been recreated on the stage with the final 'A' to be remaining on the stage standing, Emcee bared all to join his fallen co-stars to perish in the gas chambers at one of the Concentration Camps operated by Adolf Hitler. There was no life left in this Cabaret, for this Cabaret took its final breath! The final lines had been read and the hiss of the gas chambers filled the theater so the show had reached its conclusion. I could do nothing but join in with the enthusiastic applause for the cast took their final bow, it was a tremendous applause for this show had been executed with high energy, professionalism and a whole lot of spark! I look back to Wednesday for I'm still thrilled that I got the chance to see this amazing musical extravaganza!   

Life's a Cabaret!
Joseph Harrison

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