Books Magazine

Life: Hello May!

By Mpartyka @mpartyka2
Life: Hello May!Hello lovely friends,
Can you believe it's May?  It was 84 degrees on Tuesday, will be 80 today.  Warm weather has me running at 6AM, a trend that will continue until fall.
I have been so busy, wanting to catch everyone up on life, how I'm spending my days, what I'm planning, etc... I write posts in my head while running, or walking the dogs, but haven't found a way to translate my thoughts into a post. So here's a quick update.  
April highlights:
- re-entry from Europe... three weeks of laundry, mail, etc.
- construction is done in the basement, shifting to decorating, buying bar-ware, etc...
- with the pool table moving downstairs, I claimed the empty room as my workspace. I painted it in two days and decorated it with a collection of old favorite items gathered from within our home (translation... free).
- an old friend came to stay for a week, lot's of laughter, shopping, eating
- NYC day trip to shop
- a day trip to explore the streets of my hometown
- I'm training for a half marathon
- hosted a party for 75, planning, cooking everything from scratch, including homemade potato chips(!)
- the world traveler was in the hospital just days before the party
- many days/nights socializing with friends, attending lectures
After photos: 
Here are a few photos from the project that consumed my free time, over the last three months.
Welcome to our 'Aspen Modern' design: a place to relax and watch a movie, entertain, or take a sauna.  Complete with a full bath (TV over the urinal), a golf simulator and a cigar/poker room for the men. The world traveler's escape.
The second photo is my new office.  Opting for a flat workspace vs a desk for now, with space to store yarn and books to read.  It faces the backyard, replacing the street view for wilderness.  I love it. 
Life: Hello May!
Life: Hello May!Listening to:
I have been busy listening to a few new podcasts that have led me a slew of new blogs. 
- Gretchen Rubin has a new podcast about happiness and organizing {yeah for me}
- Pure Green Podcast - interviews and all things organic
- One Part Podcast - interviews, recipes, self exploration/improvement stories
Goodreads: I'm always updating books I can't wait to read, what I'm reading and short reviews.  You can find my '2015 books read' listed to the right, or click here to connect/see what's piquing my interest.
Life: Hello May!This week I'm listening to Brain on Fire.  A book I want to devour but I'm only listening while walking the dogs.
I'm half way through It's You.   I love how Jane Porter pulls characters forward, a thread connecting several novels.
So far, I recommend both!
Looking forward to:
Like many, I'm getting ready to plant the garden this weekend.  This year I'm adding strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries plants.  I just need to find a home for them, for the best growing conditions.
We will prepare the deck this weekend (stain, plant flowers, etc.) and enjoy a late evening BBQ to celebrate our efforts. We also have a new outdoor space this year,  with the basement finished we are going to set up the patio for the first time.
I'm running in the Superhero Half Marathon in two weeks, in a costume!
In June, I have a girl's weekend planned in Nashville.
Then my focus shifts to planning our next big event.  We have rented an island in October to celebrate the World Traveler's 50th birthday.  Imagine water filled days and starry nights on the beach, a fire pit, good friends, and family.
While I love, love winter... I'm ready to embrace long summer days and cool nights.
Much love, Mari

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