Growing up I didn’t have many nick names. In my family, we’ve always been pretty formal. We call each other by our proper names, I’ve always added the whole ‘uncle’ and ‘aunty’ before addressing by the first name and when I referring to my grandparents, I’ve always called them “nana” and “deda” (which is Serbian for grandma and grandpa) to other people and not, “my grandma” or “my grandpa”.
‘Reese’ isn’t a name you could really shorten. A lot of my close friends when I was in my early-twenties called me Reesie, Reesers and Reesling, and as you can see, none of them are technically shorter than my actual name. One of my most popular nicknames I had back then was actually, Cupcake, because I had an obsession with making them. Every weekend, there would be some sort of baking in my kitchen, with hours of decorating afterwards.
With boyfriends, I’d get the usual ‘babe’or ‘baby’ once in a while, with some it was ‘darl’ (The Man calls me darl the most). When I was dating a Frenchman, I was called Pamplemousse, which looks like a cute word but, in fact, means ‘grapefruit’.
However only when I started at my day job in the beginning of 2013 had I really started to get nicknames. The only person who addresses me by my actual name is my boss. Everyone else has their own name they like to call me. My work nicknames include…
Reese With-A-Knife (instead of a with-a-spoon – Reese Witherspoon)
Spoon (Just ‘spoon’)
Reese’s Pieces / Pieces (Like the candy)
Buttercups (because Reese’s Buttercups are the BEST!)
Candy Yum-Yum / Candy / Yum-Yums (After the M.A.C lipstick which was mistaken for my actual name – true story)
Serbia (Because of my heritage)
LC (Because, you know, it’s all the rage to be referred to as your cat’s name)
Gwen (Due to the perfume I wear)
Cranky (After having an debate with one of my workmates on how it’s an outdated word)
Unicorn (After posting a picture of myself in a onesie on Facebook)
So, as you can see, in my workplace there is no shortage of nicknames to go around, and I love each and every one of them. I love that my friends are so creative and every time I hear those nicknames, it puts a smile on my face. For as long as I work there, I look forward to more nicknames and explanations as to why I get called them.
What is the story behind your nickname?

- Miss Atomic… is that you?!
- Life, According to Reese: Treasure Yourself
- Friday’s Letters: A life less oridinary
- Life, According to Reese: Moving on…
- Life, According to Reese: A letter to my 16 year-old self