Hair & Beauty Magazine

Life, According To Reese: Insufferable People

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Life, According To Reese: Insufferable people

I’m not to sure if this is a seasonal thing but I’m finding a lot of people insufferable around this time of year.

This often occurs on my Facebook; these “friends” who just sit in front of their computer or smartphone and have the audacity to air their dirty laundry to their couple-hundred odd friends. Honestly, what is the point of that?

I digress… everyone is entitled to their bad days and to vocalise their frustration. What I’m talking about is day in and day out, one status after another is just riddled with bullshit emo “woe, is me” statuses just to grab attention.

My definition of insufferable people are those who thrive to live amongst drama, darkness and not see the good in the world. It’s immensely depressing, and while I do realize these people really don’t live insufferable lives, it’s the act of it all that just makes you feel like they’ve just decided to throw a dark blanket over your day.

This is how I feel when I read a status on my Facebook or Twitter sometimes and it almost puts me off social media altogether.

I have a friend who does this constantly and it’s very discouraging for me to care. I love this friend to pieces and we’ve been friends for over a decade, but I just don’t understand why they can’t see the bright side of life. Their world is constantly dark and negative.
And the funny thing about it is when I see them for a coffee or a lunch, they’re fine. They smile, they joke around, they’re happy to catch up and share what’s been going on in their lives – all of which seems positive and happy – but behind a computer screen it’s all a different story.

This also happens a lot on Twitter and it’s almost gotten to the point where I absolutely can not follow these people anymore.
They’re hypersensitive to what other people tweet about – who would have thought so much drama could be caused in 140 characters all less?

There was a so-called ‘beauty blogger’ who recently posted on their blog about not being a slave for any PR companies. When the post went live and it clearly offended people, they retreated and didn’t stand by what they published.

First rule of being in any sort of publishing, whether it be in magazines, newspapers, blogs or even written in the sky – STAND BY YOUR WORDS!

So what was the point of this blogger publishing such a rubbish post? Because they don’t get invited to product launches and don’t get included in events in the beauty community. Yep. That’s why! Not because they have core values conflict with PR or the events in the beauty community, they’re just completely and utterly bitter.

And you know what the irony about this whole scenario is? They will now NEVER get to work along side with any reputable PR company because they’ve made it abundantly clear that they’re not PR friendly.

And here’s a social tip for free: You want to be included in social events and groups in the beauty community? STOP THINKING THAT YOU’RE BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. Stop bullying other bloggers, stop being rude and just be friendly.

ERMAHGERD! Is that really hard to do?

Seeing this behavior makes me not care because I’ve seen first-hand that even when you do comment on their status or tweet positively, they shoot you down anyway. It’s like they’re beyond help and you can’t help people who can’t help themselves.
I admit I’ve tweeted a few things that would probably be better off offline, but I don’t sit there and dwell day in and day out about something that’s pissing me off because it achieves nothing.
And I wouldn’t DREAM of venting my relationship problems on Twitter. If I do mention my dude in any of my tweets it’s always nice things; things that make you give you a toothache because it’s so sweet.

There was a time a few months back where I was being a Negative Nancy and it was a family member who said, “Do you think that maybe it’s not other people with the problem – it’s you?

I sat and thought about it for a while and realised that it could be possible it was my problem with the world – not the other way around. I had to change and QUICK!

Every now and then I have these little moments where I think everything is working against me but I’m lucky enough to have family, a partner and friends who bring me back down to earth and restore peace in the face of chaos.

I often give myself one “I hate…” sentence a day. It helps unload frustration but also limits ‘the hate’.
If there is any advice I’d give these insufferable people it’s to allow themselves one sentence beginning with “I hate…” to say out loud and then move on with their day. They’re not allowed to say anything else til tomorrow.
I promise it neutralises negativity and brightens your day so much more.

But to those people who feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel is:

▪ There is going to be a time where you’ve overcome the worst. The sadness is fleeting.

▪ For every bad thought, you push away a good thought.

▪ Furthermore, for every 60 seconds of unhappiness and anger you feel, you lose one minute of happiness.

▪ There is nothing appealing about negativity. People don’t respect you, people don’t care and people don’t want to be around you, so choose to be positive.

▪ Being happy is a choice. So, first thing the morning tell yourself, you’re going to have a good day.

▪ Know how to cheer yourself up. Listen to your favorite music, watch happy movies, do things that make you happy (shopping, going to the beach or catch up with friends).

Remember, if you know how to do all of those things on your own, you’ll be able to overcome anything and you’ll have people who will support you.

Lastly, if you could please refrain for airing any issues on your Facebook/Twitter, it would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, your friends and followers.


Life, According To Reese: Insufferable people

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