LG launched its new flagship smartphone not too long ago, the LG G3, and last week rumors started going around that the company will release another version of the said flagship, called the LG G3 Prime. Here are some details about it.
LG is planning to launch another version of its flagship phone, called the LG G3 Prime.
According to a recent report, the LG G34 Prime will come with a quad-core Snapdragon 805 processor and 3GB of RAM, as well as a faster LTE-Advanced, which will offer users download speeds up to 224Mbps. The smartphone will also use the new Qualcomm MDM9635 modem.
Other specs are the same as G3′s, including a 5.5in QHD display and a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. The handset will also sport a 13-megapixel rear and a 2.1-megapixel front camera, as well as 16GB of built-in storage plus a microSD slot. The new LG G3 will run Android 4.4.2 KitKat.
It’s still unclear whether the G3 Prime will only be available in South Korea, or whether LG will launch it in other parts of the world, too.