The complete name of the law is Ley de Reinsercion Economica y Social para el Migrante Retornado and is number 30001 and there are monetary and social benefits. For the monetary benefits there are no taxes on cars up to $30k, household goods up to $30k, instruments, machines, equipment, and capital assets up to $150k when you repatriate to Peru. For the social benefits, they will help you find loans, jobs, with certification, and assistance with psychological and social integration.
In order to qualify for the monetary benefits you must be a Peruvian who has lived abroad for at least 4 years. If you have to leave the country due to immigration issues then they lower it to 2 years. mosocial benefits you must be a Peruvian who has lived abroad for at least 3 years. If you have to leave the country due to immigration issues then they lower it to 2 years.
You can find out more about this law on RREE, Ley de Retorno, Facebook, or leyderetorno@rree.gob.pe