Lifestyle Magazine

Let’s Try Something New!

By Claire

Free adver­tis­ing on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog

wedding blog photo by Natasha Thompson

Good morn­ing folks and folkesses out there in wed­ding land, I hope you’re all well and sparkly and have your sun­cream on for later. What a fan­tas­tic week we’re hav­ing! I’ve been feel­ing inspired, not only by the sun­shine but also by some of the won­der­ful peo­ple I have around me. One of whom (thanks Adam) men­tioned some­thing in an email about blogs, and adver­tis­ing, which got me think­ing about how blogs are grow­ing and in some cases becom­ing very much like print wed­ding magazines.

I don’t think it’s cool to have too many adver­tis­ers or spon­sors on a blog. I also don’t think it’s cool to run a blog as a busi­ness with­out real enthu­si­asm and pas­sion behind it. What we do shouldn’t be all about money. Blogs’ ini­tial appeal came from their inde­pen­dence, and from being able to pro­mote and sup­port inde­pen­dent wed­ding busi­nesses and not just those who could afford adver­tis­ing space. While most wed­ding blogs now earn money, there must be ways to con­tinue that sup­port for indie busi­nesses, right?

Here’s one…

The bit about you, and free ads

bridalwear by Erica Stacey
I’d like to offer three small wed­ding busi­nesses a free advert on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. I’m look­ing for dif­fer­ent busi­ness types: jew­ellers, design­ers, video­g­ra­phers, pos­si­bly pho­tog­ra­phers (although I do have pay­ing pho­tog­ra­phy spon­sors already, so you’ll have to be per­sua­sive!) — any­one else start­ing out in the wed­ding indus­try who’d like a lit­tle free expo­sure. Crafty peo­ple — I’d love to hear from you.

What your free ad on Eng­lish Wed­ding will be

You’ll get a small side­bar ad, below my main spon­sors’ adverts. The slot will be for one month only, and your ad will be the same size as my other ads. It will show on every page of the blog (Eng­lish Wed­ding gets 32,000 vis­i­tors a month) and on every page refresh (the blog gets 61,000 monthly page views). Any reader who clicks on your ad will go straight through to your web­site (or blog if you prefer).

How to get your free ad on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog

wedding photo by Rob Gillespie
It’s dead easy. Reply to this blog post with a com­ment using the com­ments form below. Tell me a lit­tle bit about you — how new is your wed­ding busi­ness, and what makes you spe­cial. Do you have dreams for the future? Sur­prise me.

Before sub­mit­ting your com­ment add a prod­uct image to show me. Your favorite design would do nicely thank you! (Please — no images big­ger than 600px wide)

My favorite three will get a free ad for a month. How does that sound?!

Claire xx

Photo cred­its are Natasha Thomp­son, Han­nah Dornford-May and Rob and Sarah Gille­spie. 

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