Entertainment Magazine

Let’s Play Blog Tag!

By Rohan @rohanforsale

My blog buddy Miss Four Eyes tagged me and now I’m IT! Today I thought I’d take a break from writing about bullies, psychos, health and relationships and have a bit of fun :) (don’t worry I’ll be back to that tomorrow!) So here’s how this works.


1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and eleven random facts about you.
3. Answer the questions given to you in the tagger’s post.
4. Create eleven new questions and tag new people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and let them know they have been tagged.

Yup, that's me! I'm pretty sure that's spaghetti sauce all over my face alt=
.<" />.<">.<">.<" title="Let’s Play Blog Tag!" />.<" class="size-full wp-image-835" />

Yup, that’s me! I’m pretty sure that’s spaghetti sauce all over my face >.<

11 Random Facts:

1. I wash my own clothes, by hand, in a bucket. I love it


2. The three books on my table are “The Oxford Companion to Philosophy”, “Never Get A Real Job” and “SM 101″

3. I once rode a horse…bareback…in a village…in France…when I was 5, it sucked


4. I feel immense pressure eating at a stranger’s house. I’m afraid to eat something new and weird, and I’m afraid to seem rude!

5. I haven’t thrown up in 11 years!

6. My number 1 childhood crush was (is!) Alexandra Milman from the Aussie TV show Genie From Down Under. Isn’t she just totes adorbs?! (been waiting to use that one for a while). I think it’s the fringe, I’m a sucker for a cute fringe. Best show ever!

Simply dreamy :)

Simply dreamy


7. My favorite video game series is Command & Conquer, no wait Phoenix Wright. It’s a toss up between those two.

8. I got up to number 7 in the world at online versus memory in 42 All Time Classics!



9. I’m not very good at sport. I was part of a league winning 6-a-side football team once, but I was one of only 2 players who didn’t score all season


10. My favorite guitar is the Fender Telecaster

11. I don’t have a drivers license


Miss Four Eyes’ Questions:

Do you think people should care more about each other’s bowel movements? Yes, I grew up with two brothers so naturally this was a regular topic of conversation.

What is the one thing you are most afraid of? Throwing up

(11 years remember?)

What is the one thing that you wish you had never touched? Haha, hmm, poop of any kind.

What do you sing in the shower? Anime intro theme songs! Takaku Takakuuuuuuuu!

How do you feel about Tom Cruise? Cheesy as a big ol plate of cheese.

Do you fart? Of course you do. Who do you blame it on? I once farted during a quiet moment at a school assembly, 300 kids turned to look at me. I swore to every god there was that it wasn’t me. Sorry Conrad…

What would you do if you met Oprah? Feel awkward and leave. Never watched her show so I would have no idea what to say >.<

Name one food you’ve never tried and don’t want to. Snails, I’d starve with a smile on my face before eating a freaking snail!

Burps. Loud or silent? Silent please, farts are hilarious, burps are yuck!

What species do you think will take over the world some day? Anything but spiders!!

Star Wars or Star Trek? Hmm, I’m not a huge nerd for either of them. Probably Star Wars though because I had an audition for the part of Anakin Skywalker in Ep 1 (no I will never stop talking about that). That and I know pretty much nothing about Star Trek other than the memes. Sorry!

My Questions to you:

  1. What’s the hardest part of blogging?
  2. You can inhabit the body of any person on the planet for a day, who would you choose?
  3. You must choose between never eating apples again, or never eating cheese. Which one?
  4. Would you prefer to spend 2 years washed up alone on a deserted tropical island or 2 years in prison?
  5. What’s your favorite book?
  6. How long do you have to be with someone before farting is acceptable? (continuing the good work of Miss Four Eyes)
  7. What’s your favorite season?
  8. Trousers, skirt or shorts?
  9. What did you have for breakfast?
  10. What’s your favorite show growing up?
  11. What are you going to do after you read this blog?

And finally here are the people I shall tag, continue the game if you wanna, but no pressure if you don’t. It’s only a bit of fun


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