Life Coach Magazine

Let's Look To The Bright Side

By Lifestreasury
There is light at the end of the tunnel, it only takes you to believe and hold on till you get there.  Let's Look To The Bright Side
Hi readers, how are we today, sure the week went well. Sure splendid for some people and for others what kind of week was this but then let's see this together.
Let's make an imaginary list of all we had to do this week, all we wrote down and all we achieved and those we did not achieve. (Waiting). Counting 1,2,3........ 
Alright, I am sure we are done, please if you did not do it, just try to. Making a list brings to the reality of all you have going on in your head, it makes you see clearly that which you let bother you for maybe not the major reasons.
So yeah lets work on our list, it definitely should have a good side and a not very good side. I know it happens all the time but here is me telling you that you should see to the bright side of the not too good side. It might not have been how you wanted it to be but trust me it would have been worse, so let us see to the bright side. I can hear someone saying what bright side is there to something that is not good. Alright I will tell you.
I will bring to your consciousness somethings we have actually overlooked through the week: 
-Do you know that while you were having a plan of what to do, they were some people out there looking for what to do to give them a plan, because this week did not go right for you would you want to try theirs, whereby you would not have a plan at all, maybe seat indoor and count the number of ceilings. 
-Do you also know some people fell ill in the course of this week and it shattered ALL they had to do for the week, so you were able to accomplish some and the other was able to accomplish NONE, would you want to try that.
-Do you know some people stepped out and did not return back to wherever they left from, in fact we cannot give an account of them (SAD BUT TRUE) I would not even want to ask because i know nobody wants to even be there now. 
So yeah here we go, some tasks are not accomplished due to procrastination which is not the best way but we cannot punish our minds for that.
Just like the reasons I have stated, you should learn to look to the bright side because your complain is someone's prayer, I will further buttress my point by saying we have a new week ahead of us to correct the wrongs of this week and we have a bright future ahead of us to correct the mistakes we have made in the past. Do not dwell in the dark. 
Hold my hands and let us look to the bright side together, whatsoever be the challenge of today, I tell you that you are way more than it and even through the pain stay gazed looking at the Bright Side.
I will be glad to hear your views, kindly drop them in the comment box below.

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