Trust and believe, I wanted to get the best from Hanyang because my friends in Wuhan kept throwing shade on this developing part of Wuhan. Being based in the Optics Valley means most things are shiny and new so before Hanyang follows suit I wanted to capture some Hanyang Overness! Honestly, it's unbelievable how negative some people can be! The two faced deity at Guiyuan Temple gave me life, in a way it pushed my hangover to one side! A stark contrast was served in many ways, the backdrop for the temple was a huge span of towering flats all looking pretty council looking if I wasn't mistaken?! Nevertheless, that Buddhist deity had a watchful eye on both sides of the temple to show that being two faced isn't a complete crime! Guiyuan is a Buddhist Temple not a photo opportunity, I have no respect for people who disregard rules that are set in such a peaceful place of worship! Like a prayer I know that Wuhan will take me to more temples and shrines!

The Tortoise Mountain TV Tower stood in front of me, it stood vacant within the sprawl of trees and park life. Whilst walking through the park I could sense that specific parts were either under renovation or hadn't been in service for a while, it didn't affect my visitor experience but it was quite bizarre nonetheless. Things make me constantly question the safety of some things here in China for the steps down to the road were super steep and didn't have a banister, I don't do stairs so let me have that declaration! Whether there was life inside the Tortoise Mountain TV Tower I'm sure something's being down because the view would be incredible, another tourist moneymaker Wuhan could make use of?! Guishan Park had been on my tick-list of places to visit in Wuhan, I want to see everything I can possible see in this Chinese city! Pushing my fear of heights I made the best of the stunning views of the Yangtze River as I walked closer to my next Hanyang destination. Yass!

Taking some steps down from the Pavilion I found a quaint courtyard that oozed Hua Mulan Realness, I frankly don't care because the many alcoves and passages gave the same scene that Disney film gave. I know the status of that Disney warrior princess is questionable and Disney's depiction of the legend of Hua Mulan but this Hanyang cultural gem served something that I could recognize from that said princess film. Getting a few timeless snaps of the many buildings that made up the compound I could leave for Guanggu feeling that I had achieved exactly what I had set out to see during my Hanyang days. Whatever change Hanyang sees in the future I know that these three gems will be in my mind and safeguarded in this blog, does everything have to be all shiny and new?! Wherever Wuhan takes me next I know that I won't be walking to the top of Guishan Park again or whatever its professed to be called! Taking everything into consideration, yes I'm hung up on Hanyang!
Hanyang's Got This!
Joseph Harrison