Media Magazine

Let’s Hear It for Those Numbers

Posted on the 07 June 2012 by Themarioblog @garciainteract

TAKEAWAY: We all like to see numbers and explanations of what they mean.Numbers are among the top storytelling tools.  Your design strategy should allow for how numbers can pop on the page—-or screen PLUS: Today’s selected pages from Gulf News, which switched to Berliner format June 1

When numbers make the difference

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Gulf News, UAE

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WirtshaftsBlatt, Austria

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El Tiempo, Colombia

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Die Zeit, Germany

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South China Morning Post, Hong Kong

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Kronen Zeitung, Austria

When we complete the rethinking of a publication, we always concentrate on that one important final step: the styleguide.

It is the styleguide that will guarantee that whatever design strategies and concepts have been incorporated into the new look of a publication, website or app, will be sustainable in the long run.

As we find ourselves diligently correcting the final draft of the styleguide for a.m., in Leon, Mexico (launches very soon), I turn my attention to one segment of the styleguide devoted to secondary storytelling tools.

The value of numbers

In that section, numbers play a key role.  As we train editors in the new way of doing things, I find myself emphasizing numbers.

Look for numbers in the story.

Once you find them: highlight them.

Sometimes it is numbers that will lure readers to a story.

We all begin our fascination with numbers when we first learn about them in pre-school. That love affair with numbers never wanes.

As storytellers we need to be on the lookout for numbers that tell the story.

Gulf News as Berliner: Today’s pages

As readers of the blog know, it has been an extraordinary week for Gulf News of the UAE, switching to the Berliner format and adopting a brand new design in the process.

Miguel Gomez, design director, sends us several pages from today’s edition, as the editors and designers continue to flex their muscles working with totally new page sizes and design styles.

Good work all round!

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Our previous blog posts on Gulf News’ switch to Berliner Format

Creating the design concept for the new Berliner Gulf News

Here is your new Gulf News Berliner format, new look

Report from Dubai 2: Gulf News prepares for Berliner, tablet progress

Report from Dubai: Gulf News prepares to switch to Berliner format

Of special interest today

- USA: New York Times’ latest hire part of evolving social media team

- USA: Will Bloomberg buy the New York Times?

- USA: Better know a reader: Umbel wants publishers to have better data on their audience

- USA: What happens when a newspaper is just another digital voice?

- USA: The great newspaper liquidation

- USA: Local newspapers’ crisis: why we should dream the impossible dream

The iPad Design Lab: Storytelling in the Age of the Tablet

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Video walkthrough of the iPad prototype of iPad Design Lab

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TheMarioBlog post #1033

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