Gardening Magazine

Let's Grow Herbs At Home! Pt. 2

By Slherrmann

G'morning all...
Today we will continue with kitchen garden herbs reference; I hope you found the first installment useful, informational and inspirational!
More Kitchen Garden Herbs
Let's Grow Herbs At Home! Pt. 2Comfrey (symphytum officinale)
Also Known As: Knitbone, boneset, blackwort, bruisewort, slippery root.
Uses: As a poultice to ease psoriasis on the skin. It is also good for treating wounds and easing mild sprains. Comfrey is also excellent for use in a poultice to ease arthritic conditions.
Parts Used: Leaves, roots.
Taken As: Decoction, poultice made from fresh leaves. In essential oil form, it can also be added to lotions and creams which can then be applied to the skin externally.
Harvest: Leaves in summer, root in fall.
Shelf Life: 1-3 years.
Let's Grow Herbs At Home! Pt. 2Dandelion: (taraxacum officinale)
Also Known As: Pissenlit, piss-in-bed (no joke!), lion's tooth, fairy clock, pu gong ying, priest's crown, swine snout, wild endive.
Uses: Powerful diuretic, laxative and liver detoxifies when taken as tea. Excellent for pre-menstrual water retention. Helps with acne and eczema. Can be used as an antibiotic against yeast infections such as candida.
Part Used: Leaves, roots, tops.
Taken As: Tincture, tea made of the leaves.
Harvested: Leaves from early spring to summer, roots during the second year.
Shelf Life: 1-3 years.
Let's Grow Herbs At Home! Pt. 2Elecampane (inula helenuim)
Also Known As: Elfwort, horse-elder, scabwort, velvet dock wild sunflower.
Uses: Tea is stimulating expectorant and lung decongestant; also a digestive tonic and a warming antiseptic extremely effective in easing colds. It aids circulation and respiratory problems such as asthma, has antibacterial properties and can be used internally and externally to improve the skin.
Part Used: Roots.
Taken As: Tincture, tea.
Harvested: Fall, after the stem has died back.
Shelf Life: 1-3 years
Let's Grow Herbs At Home! Pt. 2Evening Primrose (oenothera biennis)
Also Known As: Fever plant, night willow-herb, scabish, scurvish, king's cure-all.
Uses: Taken internally, it can ease painful periods and PMT. In creams and lotions it eases eczema and acne. The pulverized root provides quick relief to bruises and piles.
Part Used: The entire plant. Oil from the seeds.
Taken As: Oil, also available as capsules.
Harvested: Seeds between late summer and early fall. Parts for drying in early spring.
Shelf Life: Bark, seeds and roots 1-2 years; oil keeps for 3 months.
Let's Grow Herbs At Home! Pt. 2Fennel (foeniculum vulgare)
Also Known As: Bitter fennel, fenkel.
Uses: Fennel tea is a cleansing diuretic. it promotes lactation in mothers, stimulates appetite, and aids digestion. It also relieves flatulence and is a powerful anti-inflammatory when used in poultices or decoctions.
Part Used: Seeds, leaves, roots.
Taken As: Decoction, herbal tea.
Harvested: Seeds are harvested toward the end of the summer once ripe; leaves and rots are picked from the mature plant as required.
Shelf Life: Leaves and roots between 1-3 years, seeds 3-4 years.
Let's Grow Herbs At Home! Pt. 2Feverfew (tanacetum parthenuim)
Also Known As: Bachelor's button, featherfew, wild chamomile.
Uses: In a tea to ease fevers, acts as an anti-inflammatory and promotes menstrual flow. Long term use can also prevent migraines and help to ease the aches and pains caused by rheumatoid arthritis.
Part Used: Flowers, leaves.
Taken As: Tea
Harvested: From adult plants throughout the year.
Shelf Life: 1-3 years
*****Warning! Do not use in pregnancy due to its stimulatory effect on the uterus*****
Let's Grow Herbs At Home! Pt. 2Field Garlic (allium oleraceum)
Also Known As: Wild onion, crow garlic, wild garlic, crow's garlic, stag's garlic.
Uses: Eaten for its antibacterial and anti fungal qualities. The leaves have a strong garlic flavor and can be used instead of the bulb in recipes. It's juice, mixed with water, acts as an antiseptic on wounds and sores.
Part Used: Bulbs, leaves.
Taken As: Juice, tincture, tea, or food.
Harvested: Whole plant in early spring, bulbs in late summer or early fall when leaves have died down.
Shelf Life: Lasts from 5 months to 1 year
Let's Grow Herbs At Home! Pt. 2Water Lobelia (lobelia dortmanna)
Also Known As: Water gladiole, dortmann's cardinalflower, notgras.
Uses: Ideal if suffering from a cold as it eases sneezing and catarrh. The tincture can also be taken to ease headaches. Drink as a mild tea to help with ear problems.
Part Used: Leaves
Taken As: Tincture, tea
Harvested: As needed from the mature plant. Used fresh or dried.
Shelf Life: Flowers 1-3 years, seeds 3-4 years
*****Warning! Use with caution as can induce vomiting*****
Let's Grow Herbs At Home! Pt. 2

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