Baseball Magazine

Let’s Face It, the Oakland A’s Are a Grift

By Gary

Let’s Face It, the Oakland A’s Are a Grift

How it looks: the Oakland A's are a pathetic franchise that plays in an archaic, crumbling, feces-strewn, possum-infested stadium, only draw about 3,000 fans per home game, and have a squad of no-talents and nobodies that expect to lose 100 games.

The reality: According to Forbes, the A's were the fifth most profitable franchise in MLB last year raking in 62.2 million dollars, which I'm assuming was garnered through revenue share (aka baseball welfare, which ironically was put in place to help teams, not owners) and insane parking fees. This would make them more successful than the World Series-winning Houston Astros since the bottom line is profit and only the fans think about such nonsensical things like wins, losses, and winning a "worthless piece of metal." God forbid I ask to be entertained by a ballclub.

How it's going: I will, like last season, watch this dung pile for about a month or two until the losses pile up and I inevitably lose interest and decide that other summer activities are more pragmatic and worthwhile. (The Opening Day starter, Kyle What's-His -Name, has THREE career wins, let that roll around in your noggin for a minute)

Besides, if I didn't make it perfectly clear above....this team doesn't need my money. In theory, you are supposed to go to a sanguine ballgame to lose yourself and forget about your everyday trials and labors, but the fantasy isn't even safe there anymore as the ineptitude on the field will be a constant reminder that you are being taken advantage of like the schmoe that you are. Then you must eat the shit with blind allegiance and say, "Yessir, more please."

Burn in hell John Fisher, you trust-fund baby.

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