Les Affranchis's ("Goodfellas" in French) latest iteration caught my attention sometime after it opened and Colette and I went back today to see if my initial praises held (cut to the chase: they did). The "menu" was not much changed but that's OK, it's spring with petit pois, rhubarb and strawberries -hurrah!

Colette started off with a warm veloute of petit pois (with whole pois and herring and fish eggs to boot) and I had what I had last time - a flat lukewarm filet of mackerel with a Saor (pickled red onion and raisins) sauce - both delicious.

Then she had the lovely tender rollatine of spring lamb with moelle in the center that I drooled over a couple of weeks ago with peas and I had the veal cheeks on top of the best pureed potatoes I can recall with a side order of morilles (comp'd) - Yum!

For dessert Colette chose the pear with fluffy balls of limey stuff and caramel beurre sale and I had a "cheesecake" with strawberries and confited rhubarb on top - top-top.
Our bill, with a bottle of wine, no bottled water and 2 coffees, was 114 E.