Hair & Beauty Magazine

Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!

By Iheartmexo @iheartmexoxo
On Saturday (28th September) was the Leicester Bloggers Meetup that I organised. I always thought that there is never anything blogger related going on in Leicester so I took it upon myself to arrange a lovely meetup. After 2 and a half months, which went by pretty fast, came the day! I was quite nervous. Actually a lot. I had a mini panic attack the morning of the meetup as I didn't know what to expect. There were quite a lot of us that traveled from various places in Leicester and Nottingham! I booked us all seats to go see the Autumn Fix fashion show that was held in Highcross at 11 am which I quite enjoyed! Even got a few discount vouchers too which I am sure I'll be using soon and I also did see a few dresses in the fashion show that I really loved and now really want! Here are a few fashion show photos. Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Images thanks to Jess.Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!
After the fashion show, we had an hour and a half before lunch so we all decided to some shopping. Everyone split up and we met back at 1 pm for lunch at Bella Italia who were really great. We all had some really yummy food although I did go for a simple margarita pizza which was really huge for one person!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!I also want to thank NYR and Sunkissed for their raffle prizes! Sophia and Leah won some Sunkissed goodies and Izzy won a little NYR prize! And there's Jess, Lauren and Charlie with their Derma V10 bags! Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Excuse the bad lightening. So hard to take photos in there! 
The Goody Bags!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!This is what it looked like the night before!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!My dining room was a huge mess for about a month. I am glad no one really complained about and I didn't care either. Everyday I would get a delivery of some lovely goodies to go into these goody bags! I also want to thank all the brands that took part and provided such a generous amount of products! And I hope everyone is also happy with what they got. Everyone got a PURE skincare bag with a Pure product, a Derma V10 bag with a selection of Derma V10 products and a pink candy striped bag in which I filled some other great products. I know some of the girls said that bags were heavy which I am hoping was a good thing if you know what I mean ;) Some of the products were not the same as all so some of the girls got a different product to others.Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!The pink striped bag included
Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Derma V10 bag 
  • Derma V10 day cream
  • Lip tin
  • Nose pore strip
  • Mascara
  • BB cream

Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!PURE skincare- either one of the following:
  • BB cream
  • CC cream 
  • Eye roll on

Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!Leicester Bloggers Meetup - Fashion Show, Lunch and Goody Bags!I have to thank Angelica nail polish for taking the time to personalize a very pretty pink bag for everyone!They all obviously had nail polishes in them but I don't know about colours or amount as they were sealed.I loved that they included everyone's name and blog addresses on them and made them a little more special.
I had such a great day. It was so much fun and I am really glad that I arranged this for everyone as it was something way out of my comfort zone. I loved talking to everyone and getting to know them! I want to thank all the girls who made it and do hope everyone who came had a great day and really did enjoy themselves. Also hope you all loved the products! I will be reviewing everything in the coming weeks too so look out for the reviews. 
Hareem x

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