Legal Magazine
Donald Trump's Obsession with Nazis is Getting Worse, Not Better, and a Weekend...
( Donald Trump long has held an obsession with Nazis (see here, here, and here.) Trump's words in a speech over the weekend during an event at... Read more
The Access Hollywood Tape Rises from the Ether at New York Hush-money Trial,...
Donald Trump on Access Hollywood tape (NBC)The video that should have ended Donald Trump's political career came back to bite him last week when it was raised a... Read more
Donald Trump Still Can't Plainly State That He Will Accept the 2024 Election...
Will Donald Trump cause another Jan. 6? (NBC) What if a presidential candidate is asked this straightforward question: "Will you accept the results if the vote... Read more
The Exit of Two Black Attorneys in Austin Indicates the Efforts of Alabama's...
Kimano A. Edwards and Ikenna OkoroTwo prominent African-American attorneys have left the Austin, TX, office of the Birmingham-based Balch Bingham law firm,... Read more
TIME Interview Made Donald Trump's Plans for a Possible Second Term a Hot...
Donald Trump fires up the faithful (AP)Thanks to a cover-story interview in TIME magazine, Donald Trump's plans for a possible second term have been a popular... Read more
From Targeting President Joe Biden for an Unlawful Prosecution to Loading Tariff...
(Time)In a cover-story interview for TIME magazine that hit newsstands yesterday, Donald Trump refuses to rule out violence from his supporters if he loses the... Read more
America's Institutions -- Congress, DOJ, Judiciary -- Appear Set to Let Trump...
Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas: Set to grant Trump some form of immunity?If you believe the nonsense that comes out of Donald Trump's mouth -- and it is hard... Read more
Samuel Alito and GOP Thugs Show in Oral Argument That They Favor Donald Trump...
(Francis Chung/Politico)One might expect that oral arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) would be high-minded affairs, conducted by justices with... Read more
As Hush-money Case Looks Grim for Donald Trump, SCOTUS Appears Set to Gift Wrap...
Donald Trump and Mary Trump (People/Getty)David Pecker, former boss of the National Enquirer tabloid,, admitted yesterday in Donald Trump's New York hush-money... Read more
Former Tabloid Boss David Pecker Provides Insight on a Conspirary to Hide Detail...
David Pecker on the witness stand (The Independent) The New York criminal trial against former president Donald Trump generally has been described as a... Read more
Official Day One of Donald Trump's hush-money trial is filled with sordid details and sketchy characters, but irony seizes the day at an event teeming with history
11 months ago by Rogershuler : Society
David Pecker's testimony today could provide the link between hush-money payments and Donald Trump's scheme to influence the outcome of the 2016 election
11 months ago by Rogershuler : Society
Important matters might ultimately be decided in NY hush-money case, but for now, Donald Trump's snoring, sleeping, and farting are taking center stage
11 months ago by Rogershuler : Society
Donald Trump and Jesse Watters, of Fox News, appear to be working in collboration to traffic in fake news that might amount to jury tampering in New York trial
11 months, 1 week ago by Rogershuler : Society
A jury is picked as Donald Trump and his MAGA allies help create an environment of fear and intimidation around the hush-money trial at New York courthouse
11 months, 1 week ago by Rogershuler : Society
Mary Trump sees similarities in the way her uncle, Donald, and Russia's Vladimir Putin view events that they see as not worthy of their time or attention
11 months, 1 week ago by Rogershuler : Society
Juan Merchan fails to jail Trump after warning him once about the fallout of disruptive behavior, likely telling Trump that he is dealing with a weak judge
11 months, 1 week ago by Rogershuler : Society
Trump nods off in court on Day One of criminal trial, prompting critics to blast him as "old and weak"; one wondered if this could happen in the Situation Room
11 months, 1 week ago by Rogershuler : Society
Compared to the other three criminal cases facing Donald Trump, the Stormy Daniels hush-money case, which begins today in NY, could be more substantive than the American public has been led to believe
11 months, 1 week ago by Rogershuler : Society
Donald Watkins, of Alabama, was a friend of Johnnie Cochran; a talk over dinner with Cochran convinced Watkins that O.J. Simpson, who died last week, had killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman
11 months, 2 weeks ago by Rogershuler : Society