Legal Magazine
Evidence is Overwhelming That Missouri Sheriff Jim Arnott Committed a Federal...
Jim Arnott, sheriff of Greene County, Missouri, almost certainly committed a federal crime when he ordered my wife, Carol, to be arrested and imprisoned in the... Read more
The 09 August 2016 by Rogershuler
Don Siegelman: Conservatives Now Pushing for a Lottery in Alabama Railed...
Don SiegelmanHow absurd is it that a "Christian," Republican governor is proposing a lottery to help deal with Alabama's budget crisis? Read more
The 02 August 2016 by Rogershuler
Circuit Judge Don Blankenship, Who Travels a Path Worn by Martin Luther King...
Don BlankenshipOf all the outrageous court orders I've seen over the past 16 years, none can top the default judgment that awarded GOP operative Jessica Medeiro... Read more
The 29 August 2016 by Rogershuler
Legislative Measure Proposes New Chemicals Oversight
While Brazil has laws governing certain chemical products, such as pesticides, sanitizing products, and hazardous materials, it has no broad laws regulating... Read more
The 23 August 2016 by Angelicolaw
Change in Brazilian Law Broadens Market for Biologics
In late 2015, drug developer Europharma received regulatory approval for Fiprima, a drug that helps patients with compromised immune systems as a result of... Read more
The 16 August 2016 by Angelicolaw
Free Expression Under Attack at the Olympic Games
Freedom of expression was under attack during the recent Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The Brazilian constitution guarantees free expression. But a law... Read more
The 30 August 2016 by Angelicolaw