Legal Magazine
Jessica Medeiros Garrison Takes Her Hypocrisy and Anti-gay RAGA Roots to Do...
Jessica Garrison and Luther Strange(from Facebook)Conservatives have a special knack for hypocrisy, and it's possible that no one does it better than Alabama GO... Read more
The 02 November 2015 by Rogershuler
Why is the Jessica Medeiros Garrison Story So Important? Evidence Suggests It...
Jessica Medeiros GarrisonThe careful reader might ask, "Schnauzer, why have you spent so much time lately on Jessica Medeiros Garrison and her attack piece at... Read more
The 24 November 2015 by Rogershuler
Jessica Medeiros Garrison Displays Limited Legal Knowledge and Zero Respect for...
Luther Strange and Jessica Medeiros GarrisonYou might expect a lawyer to display a reasonable command of fundamental legal concepts--and maybe an appreciation... Read more
The 04 November 2015 by Rogershuler
What Explains the Odd Timing of Gov. Robert Bentley's Decision to Neuter Luther...
Gov. Robert Bentley andRebekah Caldwell MasonWhy did Alabama Governor Robert Bentley last week remove authority to enforce gambling laws from Attorney General... Read more
The 09 November 2015 by Rogershuler
Americans Have Been Tolerating Terrorists on Our Soil for Years; We Give Robes...
Terror attacks in Paris(From Getty Images)If you watched news coverage last night about terrorist attacks in Paris, you probably had the impression that the... Read more
The 17 November 2015 by Rogershuler
Why is It Surprising That an Alabama Football Fan Would Use the "N Word" to...
J.T. Smallwood (left) and Matt Pitt (center), with anunidentified man as Pitt receives an honorary sheriff'sbadge from Jefferson County. Read more
The 12 November 2015 by Rogershuler
National Lawyers Association Might Want to Think Twice Before Including Jessice...
Jessica Medeiros GarrisonAn organization that claims to be dedicated to improving the legal profession and the nation's justice system reportedly has invited... Read more
The 16 November 2015 by Rogershuler
Brazilian Lawmakers Consider New Gun Law
Brazilians are no strangers to gun violence. A recent study concluded that 116 people die from gun violence in Brazil every day, the BBC noted. Read more
The 10 November 2015 by Angelicolaw
What is a Reserved Instrument Activity?
Resrved Legal Activities The Legal Services Act 2007 states that certain legal services activities can only be carried out by providers that are regulated by... Read more
The 18 November 2015 by Jason Cherrington
Shooting of Laquan McDonald in Chicago, and Shattering of My Wife's Arm in...
Laquan McDonald(From brutality remains front-page news around the country, with the latest outrage coming from Chicago, where video wa... Read more
The 30 November 2015 by Rogershuler
Legal Questions Surface in Mining Dam Breach
The 24 November 2015 by Angelicolaw : Society
Alabama woman pleads guilty to violating grand-jury secrecy laws, while AG Luther Strange ignores...
The 19 November 2015 by Rogershuler : Society
Congress Considers Legalizing Gambling
The 17 November 2015 by Angelicolaw : Society
Missouri Sheriff Jim Arnott caused my wife to be falsely arrested, and now he's turning away...
The 18 November 2015 by Rogershuler : Society
Jessica Medeiros Garrison displays the kind of disjointed thinking that produces pure nonsense
The 11 November 2015 by Rogershuler : Society
Protests at the University of Alabama are not symbolic; racism resides in high places on campus, wit...
The 20 November 2015 by Rogershuler : Society
Court Ruling on Election Law Ends Corporate Contributions
The 03 November 2015 by Angelicolaw : Society
Alabama booster uses "N word," from trustee's private box, to describe Crimson Tide players--so...
The 10 November 2015 by Rogershuler : Society
Missouri Sheriff Jim Arnott shows that his immediate tendency is to lie when confronted with police...
The 05 November 2015 by Rogershuler : Society
Original X-rays of my wife's broken arm illustrate the viciousness with which a Missouri deputy...
The 03 November 2015 by Rogershuler : Society