Family Magazine

Learn To Accept Yourself

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum
ID 10095262 Learn To Accept Yourself


The Secret To Being Happy – Learn To Accept Yourself

If there is one thing I have learned, it can be extremely difficult to learn to accept yourself is the greatest achievement you will ever make in your life.

To be able to step away from the crowd and shout out “I am me and I am a pretty cool person” is so difficult in the stereotypical world we live in.

Where the Mr and Mrs Jones’s of the street are fighting to have the best possessions, to show they are better than everyone else, it seems everyone lives in a material world and it’s tempting to jump on the band wagon.

But stop

Wait just a moment

Is that really you?

Being in debt does not make you a bad person

Having depression does not make you ugly

Not having a high flying career does not make you any less of a person

You do not have to follow the crowd, you are not a sheep

You are allowed to be differnat, that’s what makes you unique

The greatest gift you can give to your child is not something that can be bought, this gift costs nothing and yes it’s free I promise. That precious gift is you.

Your child loves you a million times more than any toy or games console and to see you happy reflects upon them too.

Smile at your child and they will smile back

Laugh and your child will laugh too

Dance and sing and your child will sing along or sway to the music

Cry and your child will become frightened and confused

You need to learn to accept yourself and love who you are,  rid of those negative thoughts, stop focusing on all the things that are wrong in your life and look at what is right.

Make a list – go on right now.

Write down all the things in your life that are not so great and then write down all the things that are. If like my list your children are listed as number one you already have the solid foundation to begin this new journey.

Nobody can make these changes but you. You hold the key to your own happiness.

Your child needs you to stand and take a long hard look in the mirror each day and to tell yourself you’re a pretty amazing person.

We all have faults, weaknesses and the odd wart here and there, but look beyond that and see the beauty you hide deep within.

I am talking about how great a person you really are, how you’re the one person your friends come to when they need support, the one others can depend on. I am going to guess you’re a great listener and a loyal friend and most importantly you are an amazing mommy and that my dear friend is something you should be very proud about.

This is no easy task and I will be following you on this journey.

Let’s look at what is on our list of negatives, now let’s look at working at making that first one better and being able to tick it off our list, no matter how long it takes to complete.

The Secret To Being  Happy – learn to accept yourself – What is the first thing on the “Too change” list? Mine is too accept that I need to take my antidepressants and begin taking them.

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