A few weeks ago, we had an exciting email stating that we had been chosen as a Toys R Us Toyologist and so we were sent the Leapfrog Read With Me Scout to review. Sienna adores dogs and books so I had no doubt she would love Scout straight away and we'd get a lot of use out of him! I also think Leapfrog products are just brilliant in general.

Scout comes with 5 books that he narrates to you and each book works on a different theme such as colours, weather or emotions. It's a fun, interactive way of teaching Sienna which she loves instead of me just sitting in front of her repeating things. Scout is really cute and doesn't only just interact by reading the books, he pauses throughout, asking you questions to get you involved. You can also squeeze his paws, pat his back and head and kiss his cheek; all of these interactive spots give a different response which is fun for Sienna.

He's really easy to use for a toddler and Sienna enjoys pressing the buttons on his collar and giving him a kiss on his cheek. Although this is recommended for 2+ years, at 18 months Sienna is quite advanced for her age and so really enjoys Scout. I don't think she understands that he is reading the words in the book just yet, but she definitely listens and will respond if he asks a question or asks her to pat him. He seems really good quality too, he is sturdy and the voice is clear as well as the instructions. The books are also great for you to read to your child yourself without Scout.

I love the concepts of the book and how they are stories but are teaching things like colours and about the weather, I definitely think Sienna is learning faster this way. I don't know if it's a coincidence but Sienna has finally got the color 'yellow' down and can now recognize things that are yellow and say yellow, she has also started realising what 'cold' means and often says she's cold when the wind blows outside or when she touches something out the fridge. Both these things she has learnt within the last couple week since we had Scout so I think this proves that Scout is doing his job and switching learning up can be very beneficial as well as fun.