Fashion Magazine

Lasts a Lifetime #3 - A Shearling Coat

By Marta @fashion_caramel

Lasts a lifetime #3 - A shearling coat

Black shearling coat (Joseph), brown reversible coat (zara)

I know that summer is still here and everyone in Brussels is hoping for a long Indian summer but for once, I'm not included in the everyone. Probably because we had a very good summer I find myself wishing for colder temperatures and even shearling coat appropriate temperatures (!). I have owned a shearling coat once, bought in Marbella during a winter holiday but it was too big for me (what was I thinking in the changing room ?) so I never really enjoyed it much. Now, for over 10 years, every year I look for the perfect shearling coat without really taking the plunge. To be honest, a shearling coat is really expensive so I really have to be sure that I will love it forever, which until now never happened. I'm eyeing a perfect black one from Joseph, a brand which always carries beautiful shearling coats, and a reversible brown one from Zara, surprisingly expensive I must say. Who knows, maybe this year I'll find my happiness... xx Marta

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