Look of the Day – I’m back with my favorite black and white pairings. Yes, even if it’s summer I’d still wear me some blanc et noir. It’s not a crime and there are no rules. I can’t help it! Hoho!
“Palm trees in black and white
Last thing I saw before I died
Palm trees in black and white
Was the last thing I saw before I died
Right line, right man
Right mixture of cocaine and heroin…
Do you wanna jump, jump, jump?”
Palm trees print crop buttondown, Black Five. Paperbag shorts and black pumps, Forever 21. Necklace, Femmex. Rings and bracelet, Li’s Closet. Book clutch, OASAP.

Thank you Lana del Rey for the unreleased song Jump. The lyrics was today’s inspiration which I need not state for obvious reasons. Palm trees in black and white — (the Queen) Lana might be talking about my cropped buttondown here, don’t you think? Lol!
I’ve limited my color palette to black, white, and gold only. Call it playing safe but it’s rare for me to mix patterns and prints. Maybe I’m just not wired into it.

Anyway, people might be complaining nonstop about the weather yet I don’t seem to be bothered by it. I have always loved summer and sunshine-y days even if it meant drenching in my own sweat. The only thing I’m not grateful about is the intermittent blackouts in our place. Oh, let’s not forget the incremental electric bill too! Blame it on the power crisis. An issue that could’ve been easily addressed had we (and the ones in position) invested on power plants be it nuclear (BNPP – hello?), solar, hydro, or whichever is feasible. The Philippines, having one of the most expensive electricity rates in Asia, makes you wish that some of our power plants weren’t privatized. Are we, as citizens, really benefiting on the Public-Private Partnership Program (PPPP) or is it just the corporate conglomerates? (See INFOGRAPHIC) Ugh… I’m straying out of topic again. I know, I know! It’s hard not to air out your opinion when all you could do is share your sentiments online.

Chains and gold overload!

On a lighter note, I find myself wearing muscle tees, cutoff shorts, and shift dresses a bit more often. The season of sweaters and cardigans are over and all of them are taking the backseat in my closet. T’is the season when we can say less is more. Woohoo!
P.S. Excuse the makeshift grill in the background. We just had the best-tasting grilled fish fresh from Siargao. Thus, the background eyesore. Lol!

There goes my bleak attempt at smiling. I can’t even…

I may not update my blog much but you can always follow me on Twitter and Instagram – username is @wickedying. Not so surprising, huh? Teehee!
Stay wicked!