Fashion Magazine

Landing No123: I'm Like a Fly

By Queenlina

Hellooo fashion travellers! It's a new day today sooo.... let's land in fashion!
Landing No123: I'm Like a Fly
This jacket looks like I have fly wings on my back! :P They said that orange is the new black! So I adopted it, just like all the other things that fashion commands.. I know I am a fashion victim and I don't care.. I used to say that I'm not a victim and that I don't wear whatever comes out, but I noticed that even the pieces that I used to hate, I ended up liking them and buying them.. so! I guess I am..
I combined orange pieces with gray and white.. I believe that orange looks great combined with gray and I could say that I prefer it to black.. If you want you can change the bag or the shoes and not wear the exact same color but I did not have anything that matches better than that.. If I had a floral or patterned bag, I would certainly prefer that.. Maybe it will be my next target.. That's all for today.. Hope you enjoyed our flight! Love you! <3
Landing No123: I'm Like a Fly
Landing No123: I'm Like a Fly skirt - jacket - top - bag - shoes

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